(3EEE) - ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-101083160

About the project

One major problem that the current education system in Palestine faces is the gap between academia and the private sector. Employees very often complain about the skills acquired by new graduates that is not sufficient for the requirements of the labor market.

Project Highlights

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There is a general agreement on the major advantages of e-Learning and ICT.

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Several studies have claimed that e-learning has become more equitable for people with disabilities as it connects them anywhere and anytime.

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e-learning can be dealt with according to all students needs and how it is suited for them

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Integrate the learning parts and make the learning processes shared between learners and teachers is the core of learner center approach.

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Flexible learning environments new learning culture and professional educators are results of the best practices.

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Due to need analysis there is a clear interest the academic staff to be involved in the proposed approach Flipped Approach. They show great interest to be part of the enhanced activities.

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The outputs of the academic programs universities must be linked to the requirements of the labor market with continuous updating for the purpose of harmonization.

3EEE Project Partners


Snowy Mountains

Khadoorie participates in the meeting of the winning project coordinators within the Erasmus program funded by the European

Snowy Mountains

PTUK Celebrates Kick-Off the 3EEE Erasmus Project

Snowy Mountains

PTUK Holds Information Session on Erasmus 3EEE Project

Snowy Mountains

Kadoorie Holds First Meeting of 3EEE Steering Committee

Snowy Mountains

Kadoorie Leads Training Visit to Conclude 3EEE Events in Slovenia

Snowy Mountains

3EEE Team completed the 3rd field visit in Portugal


Project objectives


General Inquiries:

[email protected]

Contact Person:
Dr. Nuha iter
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 00970599370404

project manager, teacher qualification program, and TVET program
Palestine technical university Kadoorie– Palestine