وصف مساقات برنامج بكالوريوس هندسة السيارات/تعاوني

  • 12210136: رسم هندسي [2 ساعات]

    This course is to teach students the tools and techniques for making engineering drawings. Students will gain the knowledge of hand drafting instruments and their use; orthographic projection; and principal views. Applications will include two-dimensional drawings using CAD software.

  • 15200112: اللغة الإنجليزية (2) [3 ساعات]

    .مساق اللغة الانجليزية 2 مساق نظري تقدمه جامعة فلسطين التقنية خضوري للطلاب في كليات العلوم والهندسة وكذلك طلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم؛ يقدم المساق لمحة عامة عن مهارات تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية في القراءة والكتابة والتحدث والتي ستمكنهم من التواصل بشكل هادف في السياقات والمواقف العلمية. كما يقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الأنماط النحوية للغة العلمية وعناصر المفردات اللازمة لفهم السياقات والاتجاهات العلمية. خلال هذا المساق، سيتعرض الطلاب لمجموعة متنوعة من الموضوعات العلمية والمدخلات السمعية من أجل توسيع وتعميق مهارات التفكير النقدي لديهم ومساعدتهم على التعبير عن آرائهم حول الموضوعات والمشكلات العلمية الحديثة.

  • 12210590: انظمة المركبات [3 ساعات]

    The following is covered in this course: introduction to automotive engineering, powertrain, brake, suspension, exhaust and emissions, steering, air induction, fuel delivery, engine cooling and lubrication, safety and stability.

  • 12250517: أنظمة التحكم والقياس في السيارات [3 ساعات]

    This course focuses on vehicle control systems, starting with an in-depth analysis of sensors and actuators and their interaction with the electronic control unit (ECU). After that, attention will be given to digital ligic and logic gates used in automotive applications. In-depth coverage of modeling and control of automotive applications suh as Electro-mechanical systems that are controlled by electronic control modules via an appropriate algorithm (such as fuel injection timing control, emission control, transmission clutch control, anti-lock brake control, traction control, stability control).

  • 12250523: مشغل كهرباء السيارات [1 ساعات]

    The following parts are examined in the lab: automotive batteries, battery charging system, vehicle starting system, ignition system, injection system, engine electrical components (radiator fan motor, cooling system electricity, ecus, sensors, pre-heating system of coils for diesel engines, relays), vehicle lighting system (circuit diagram of headlights/tailgate lights, parking system, bulbs, fuses).

  • 12250515: نمذجة السيارات الكهربائية [2 ساعات]

    In this module, students are expected to use Model-Based System Engineering to design complex EV architectures and optimize systems. Also, students are expected to model batteries and develop battery management systems (BMS), model fuel cell systems (FCS) and develop fuel cell control systems (FCCS).

  • 12250593: التعليم الموجه نحو الصناعة (3) [4 ساعات]

    Industrial training is an extremely important component of the cooperative program as it provides students with hands-on training and real-life job experience, making them more aware of the needs and expectations of industry as well as making them more employment ready. Industrial training provides opportunities for students to apply what they have learnt in the classroom. Industrial training is also an avenue for students to further develop their skills, such as communication and interpersonal skills. Students are expected to obtain practical experience in the local or international market through these three modules.

  • 15200106: اللغة الإنجليزية (1) [3 ساعات]

    مساق اللغة الانجليزية 1 مساق نظري تقدمه جامعة فلسطين التقنية خضوري لجميع طلبة البكالوريوس و لجميع الكليات كمتطلب جامعة، ويهدف هذا المساق،عموما، الى تطوير مهارات الطلبة للغة الانجليزية الرئيسية والفرعية، حيث يزود الطلبة بمجموعة متنوعة من الانماط اللغوية، وانماط مختلفة من القواعد والبناءات والتراكيب اللغوية، والكلمات والتعاريف العامه، والتي عند اكتسابها ، تساعد الطالب على التواصل ذو المعنى ضمن المواقف والسياقات العامة والحياة اليومية. وهذا المساق موجه باتجاه اكساب الطلبة المهارات التي يحتاجون لاستيعاب النصوص ، والسياقات، والمواقف والتي لها علاقة بمواضيع الحياة اليومية. خلال هذا المساق، سوف يعرض للطلبة مجموعة متنوعة من المدخل السمعي لغاية توسعة وتعميق مهارة فهم المسموع، ومهارات التفكير الناقد. يتوقع من طلبة المساق اكتساب المهارات اللازمة والتي تمكنهم من التعبيرعن آرائهم حول الموضوعات والمشاكل اليومية بشكل شفوي وبشكل مكتوب ، مما يساعد في توسعة الافق الاكاديمي للطلبة .

  • 12110420: مختبر الكترونيات القدرة [1 ساعات]

    Power electronic circuits (half wave , full wave , single phase , three phase rectifiers . Thyristor circuits. Power diode circuits, Chopper circuits. Inverter circuits. Different applications. .

  • 12110419: الكترونيات القدرة [3 ساعات]

    Power semiconductor devices: Diodes, Thyristors, Controllable switches such as GTO, MOSFETS, protection of devices and circuits, single–phase and three-phase uncontrolled and phase-controlled rectifiers, dc-dc switch mode converter, and dc-ac inverters.

  • 12210244: ديناميكا [3 ساعات]

    Study the geometry of motion for particles and rigid bodies in different coordinate systems without reference to forces which either cause the motion or are generated by the motion. Deriving the relationship between the external forces acting on rigid bodies/ particles and the corresponding motion applying newton's laws, principle of work and energy, and Impule-momentum. .

  • 12210342: الانتقال الحراري وميكانيكا الموائع [3 ساعات]

    .This course provides students with an introduction to principal concepts and methods of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Fluid Mechanics includes pressure, hydrostatics, and buoyancy; mass conservation and momentum conservation for moving fluids; flow through pipes; pumps; boundary layer; lift and drag. Heat transfer includes Fourier's law; conduction processes; thermal resistance; fins; heat equation and lumped capacitance; elementary convection; including laminar and turbulent boundary layers; thermal radiation, ; and basic concepts of heat exchangers.

  • 12000598: مقدمة مشروع التخرج [1 ساعات]

    A group of students apply their theoretical knowledge gained throughout their study to design and build a certain circuit/device to perform a specific function under the supervision of one of the instructors at the department. A final report and presentation are required.

  • 12250513: مشغل سيارات(3) [1 ساعات]

    Students in this course are expected to build upon what is learned in 12250512 Automotive Workshop 2. At this stage, students are expected to be able to identify most modern vehicle parts, hence, the following advanced topics in automotive diagnosis are discussed: diagnostic protocols, on-board diagnostics, off-board diagnostic systems, diagnostic of ignition systems and measurements of engine parameters, testing and analysis of rectifier and IC timer, automotive sensors, characterization, sensor selection, data logging and processing. In addition, CAN in automotive communication are discussed in detail. Students are also expected to work in group to produce a prototype of an automotive related system

  • 12250514: تكنولوجيا السيارات الكهربائية والهجينة [3 ساعات]

    " This course provides an overview about the technologies of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles (series, parallel, series-parallel and plug in hybrid) and fuel cells vehicles. It also discusses the battery technologies including (lithium-ion batteries and alkaline batteries) and effects of battery aging, battery calculations, battery states, cells balancing, and types of battery management system topologies will be covered. Types of electric motors used in electric vehicles and way of controls of electric motors will be discussed. After that, electric vehicle design criteria will be discussed (calculation of required energy for a specific drive cycle, battery sizing, motor selection and top speed calculations). In addition, basics of battery charging systems (on board and off-board chargers), charging levels and construction of chargers and types of charging technologies (battery swapping, wireless and dynamic charging), charging levels and bulky charging will be covered as well.

  • 12250592: التعليم الموجه نحو الصناعة (2) [12 ساعات]

    Industrial training is an extremely important component of the cooperative program as it provides students with hands-on training and real-life job experience, making them more aware of the needs and expectations of industry as well as making them more employment ready. Industrial training provides opportunities for students to apply what they have learnt in the classroom. Industrial training is also an avenue for students to further develop their skills, such as communication and interpersonal skills. Students are expected to obtain practical experience in the local or international market through these three modules.

  • 15010101: تفاضل وتكامل (1) [3 ساعات]

    النهايات والاتصال قواعد الاشتقاق الممسات و المتعامدات، المعادلات المرتبطة بالزمن، نظرية القيم المتوسطة وتطبيقات عليها، الصيغ غير معينة (?/?،0/0) وقاعدة لوبيتال، المحاذيات الافقية والعمودية، القيم القصوى المحلية، التقعر، رسم المنحنيات . الاقترانات المتسامية :الاقترانات الاسية واللوغارتيمية,الاقترانات , معكوسها .

  • 15050101: كيمياء عامة (1) [3 ساعات]

    يتضمن هذا المساق القواعد الأساسية النظرية المتعلقة بالطرق العلمية في القياس، الحسابات الكيميائية، الجدول الدوري، البنية الإلكترونية، الروابط الكيميائية، الكيمياء الحرارية، التفاعلات الكيميائية، الحالة الغازية، حالات المادة، خواص المحاليل، و  الأحماض والقواعد والاتزان للأحماض والقواعد في المحاليل المائية .

  • 12110237: مختبر دوائر كهربائية [1 ساعات]

    This course consists of hands-on and computer-aided laboratory exercises that explore topic areas from 12110236 Electrical Circuits. Resistors and resistive circuits, potentiometers, KVL, KCL, superposition principle, Thevenin’s theorem and maximum power transfer, RLC current and voltage characteristics, frequency response of RL, RC and RLC circuits, series and parallel resonant circuits are all included in the curriculum of this module.

  • 12210341: مختبر ميكانيكا الموائع ونقل الحرارة [1 ساعات]

    Experiments covered in this lab include flow rate measurements by using weirs, manometers, venturi, orifice and rotameter; calibration of pressure gauges; viscosity; laminar and turbulent flows; pumps, friction in pipes, buoyancy; hydrostatic forces; airfoils and heat conduction in linear and radial directions. .

  • 12210591: الكترونيات وكهرباء السيارات [3 ساعات]

    The following topics are covered: automotive batteries, battery charging system, vehicle starting system, ignition system, engine electrical components (radiator fan motor, cooling system electricity, ecus, sensors, pre-heating system of coils for diesel engines, relays), vehicle lighting system (circuit diagram of headlights/tailgate lights, parking system, bulbs, fuses).

  • 12220524: ديناميكا واهتزازات المركبات [3 ساعات]

    It covers basics of vehicle vertical, lateral and logitudinal dynamics, forces on wheels, aerodynamics, equations of vehicle motion, single and two degrees of freedom systems, free and forced vibrations of damped and undamped systems, acoustic wave propagations and transmission.

  • 12250511: مشغل سيارات(1) [1 ساعات]

    In this course, students are expected to learn about vehicle maintenance procedures, fault finding techniques and self-diagnosis. In addition, students are expected to gain hands-on experience with the following vehicle components: suspension, steering, braking systems, gearboxes, clutches, rear axle, drive shaft as well as tires and their services.

  • 12250522: تشخيص وصيانة السيارات [2 ساعات]

    In this advanced module, students are introduced to the methods of inspection, repair and fitting of automotive engine, cooling system, fuel system, emission control system, exhaust, ignition system, clutch, manual gearbox, propeller and drive shafts, braking system, suspension, steering, lubrication service and rear-axle differential units. In addition, fault diagnosis procedures via computer programs are discussed in detail.

  • 12250516: تصميم ومحاكاة السيارات باستخدام الحاسوب [2 ساعات]

    Students will be introduced to CAD and its abilities and applications in the automotive industry. a state-of-art industry-specific CAD software will be used to design several models of vehicles based on the principles of automotive design. In addition, electrical and mechanical systems will be designed such as gears, pistons, exhasut manifold, intake manifold, vehicle chassis frames, electrcial motor, flywheel, and other automotive parts. In additions, students will simulate the motion of a vehicle in different conditions to study its aerodynamic performance by measuring the coefficients of lift and drag.

  • 12250591: التعليم الموجه نحو الصناعة (1) [4 ساعات]

    Industrial training is an extremely important component of the cooperative program as it provides students with hands-on training and real-life job experience, making them more aware of the needs and expectations of industry as well as making them more employment ready. Industrial training provides opportunities for students to apply what they have learnt in the classroom. Industrial training is also an avenue for students to further develop their skills, such as communication and interpersonal skills. Students are expected to obtain practical experience in the local or international market through these three modules.

  • 13010007: مهارات الاتصال [1 ساعات]

    يقوم المساق بتعريف الطالب بالمفاهيم والنظريات والمهارات في مجال الاتصال الإنساني بالغة العربية والانجليزية، وإكسابه المهارات الأساسية في مجال التواصل مع الذات ومع الآخرين من خلال فن الالقاء والحوار والاقناع والتفاوض والقيادة، لتعزيز ممارسته في حياته اليومية والعملية باستخدام أساليب جديدة تعتمد على التدريب والتقويم المتنوع والفعال، اضافة الى الالمام بالاتصال الالكتروني والذكاء الاجتماعي، كذلك تمكين الطالب من كتابة سيرته الذاتية واجراء المقابلة الشخصية باللغة العربية والانجليزية. ويرمي المساق إلى تطوير مهارات الطالب على الاتصال الكتابي والشفهي والالكتروني واستخدام لغة الجسد من اجل تحسين القدرات على الاتصال مع الأخريين بصفة عامة إضافة لقدرات الطلبة على الإرسال والاستقبال في بيئة الدراسة والعمل بشكل خاص.

  • 12210137: مشغل هندسي [1 ساعات]

    .This course aims to provide students with Workshop principles basics, safety measures and precautions. Also it aims to provide students with basic manual skills in dealing with measuring equipments, manual sheet cutting operations, manual metal sawing and filing, Riveting process, manual threading, electrical metal welding, and Lathe cutting processes.

  • 15020101: فيزياء عامه 1 [3 ساعات]

    المتجهات، الحركة على خط مستقيم، الحركة في المستوى بما في ذلك حركة المقذوفات والحركة الدورانية المنتظمة، الديناميكا وقوانين نيوتن، الاحتكاك، الشغل والطاقة، مبدأ حفظ الطاقة، الزخم الخطي ومبدأ حفظه، التصادم المرن وغير المرن، كينماتيكا وديناميكا الحركة الدورانية، عزم القصور الذاتي، المرونة، الموائع.

  • 15020102: فيزياء عامه 2 [3 ساعات]

    الشحنة الكهربائية، المجال الكهربائي، قانون غاوس، فرق الجهد الكهربائي، المكثفات والمواد العازلة، التيار الكهربائي والمقاومة، قوانين أوم وكيرشوف، القوة الدافعة الكهربائية، المجال المغناطيسي، قانون أمبير، قانون فرادي، الحث الكهرومغناطيسي.

  • 12120306: مختبر متحكمات دقيقه [1 ساعات]

    Study of microcontroller architecture, I/O input /output, timers, interrupt structures, analog-to-digital converters, capture compare and PWM modules. Testing and evaluation of microcontrollers based systems. Design and development of complete microcontrollers based digital systems (project).

  • 12210238: الديناميكا الحرارية [3 ساعات]

    This course provides students with thermodynamics concepts and definitions; the thermodynamic system, properties, phase equilibrium of pure substances, equations of state for gases, tables of properties, computer-aided thermodynamic tables, work and heat. First law of thermodynamics; thermodynamic cycles, change of state, internal energy, enthalpy, specific heat; closed and open systems, steady-state and transient processes. Second law of thermodynamics; reversible and irreversible processes, the Carnot cycle and introduction to entropy

  • 15010229: رياضيات هندسية (1) [3 ساعات]

    المعادلات الخطية وحلها ، المصفوفات ، المحددات ، الفراغات المتجهة والفراغات الفرعية ، التحويل الخطي ، قيم eigenvalues وeigenvectors، تشابه المصفوفات المربعة ، المصفوفات القطرية. حل المعادلات التفاضلية من الدرجتين الاولى و الثانية و نظريات الوجود و التفرد لها.

  • 12110312: قياسات كهربائية [3 ساعات]

    In this module, the most important principles of electrical measurements in general are discussed such as obtaining voltages and currents using the appropriate instruments and connections as well as understanding and minimising sources of error. Furthermore, selected electrical measurement methods used to obtain chemical and physical information of liquids, solids, and interfaces are covered. In particular, the following topics are discussed in this module: measurement and error, systems of units of measurement, standards of measurement, electromechanical indicating instruments, bridge measurements, oscilloscope, signal generation, transducers, digital Multimeter and frequency meters, electronic measurement, static and dynamic characteristics of measuring devices, signal sources and data acquisition principles, data analysis, electric and magnetic fields, sensors used for mechanical quantities in addition to sensor signal processing and conditioning algorithms, sensors installations and sensors interfacing to electronic systems.

  • 15020105: مختبر فيزياء عامه 1 [1 ساعات]

    تجارب على توازن القوى، الحركة، السقوط الحر وحركة المقذوفات، القوة والحركة، قوانين نيوتن، الاحتكاك، الحركة الدورانية، الشغل، مبدأ حفظ الطاقة، مبدأ حفظ الزخم الخطي، عزم القصور الذاتي للاجسام.

  • 12140101: برمجة حاسوب [4 ساعات]

    Computer Programming is an introduction to the automated processing of information, including computer programming. This course gives students the conceptual background necessary to understand and construct programs, including the ability to specify computations, understand evaluation models, and utilize major constructs such as functions and procedures, data storage, conditionals, recursion and looping. At the end of this course, students should be able to read and write small programs in the language of C++ in response to a given problem or scenario, preparing them to continue on to Object Oriented Programming. The knowledge and skills acquired and practiced will enable students to successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the information technology environment.

  • 12210592: محرك الاحتراق الداخلي (1) [3 ساعات]

    In this course, students are expected to learn fundamentals of internal combustion engine : types and their operation, engine parameters, thermo chemistry of fuel-air mixtures, ideal models of engine cycles, combustion in spark ignition engines, combustion in compression ignition engines and pollutant formation.

  • 12000599: مشروع تخرج [3 ساعات]

    Complement of the ' Introduction to Graduation Project' where a final report and presentation is required. A theoretical as well as practical discussion will be performed.

  • 12110317: الات كهربائية [3 ساعات]

    This module examines electromagnetic and electromechanical systems (electrical machine systems). The properties of magnetic circuits are introduced. Electromagnetic and electromechanical analysis techniques are developed. An understanding of the construction and components used in electrical machines is developed. Students are expected to use the analytical techniques developed in the detailed study of static and rotating electrical machines. In addition, an introduction to machinery principles, magnetic field, induced e.m.f, transformers, equivalent circuit, transformer tests, current transformer is given. Moreover, DC machines including the construction, armature windings and armature reaction is discussed. DC generators, DC motors, synchronous machines, 3-phase alternators, 3-phase synchronous motors, three phase Induction motor, torque/slip relation, speed control, induction generators, single-phase induction motor are all covered in this module.

  • 12250510: أنظمة السلامة والراحة في السيارات [3 ساعات]

    Introduction of key concepts of car safety and comfort systems and understand their content by defining the types of car safety and comfort systems and their management principles. Topics including SRS, stability and modern active and passive safety systems are also covered. In addition, road safety engineering and safety regulations will be covered.

  • 12210506: مختبر انظمة المركبات [1 ساعات]

    The following systems are examined practically: powertrain, brake, suspension, exhaust and emissions, steering, air induction, fuel delivery, engine cooling and lubrication, safety and stability.

  • 12110355: انظمة تحكم(1) [3 ساعات]

    In this module, students are expected to learn about the definition of control systems, Laplace transform, mathematical modelling of control systems, open and closed loops (feedback) control systems. In addition, the modelling of physical systems: electrical, mechanical and hydraulic systems is covered. Not only that, but also system representations which includes system block diagrams and signal flow graphs is discussed. Other topics covered include state variable models, feedback control system characteristics, performance of feedback control systems, Routh-Hurwitz stability, steady state error coefficient and Rout locus method.

  • 15010102: تفاضل وتكامل (2) [3 ساعات]

    التكامل المحدود، النظرية الاساسية في التفاضل والتكامل غير المحدود، تطبيقات على التكامل غير محدود، المساحة، حجم الدوران،الاقترانات الزائدية ،ا طرق التكامل :التكامل بالاجزاء، التعويض المثلثي، الكسور الجزئية، التعبيرات التربيعية، المنحنيات في المستوى، ، مساحة سطح الجسم الدوراني، والتكاملات المعتلة، المتتاليات والمتسسلسلات:التقارب والتباعد، المتسلسلات ذات الحدود الموجبة، المتسلسلات ذات الحدود المتناوبة، التقارب المطلق والمشروط، متسلسلات القوى ، الاشتقاق والتكامل، متسلسلات تيلور.

  • 12210243: استاتيكا [3 ساعات]

    This course is to cover force and position vectors; equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; equivalent system of forces and couples; free body diagrams; static analysis of trusses, frames, and machines; distributed forces; centroids and centers of gravity; internal forces; friction; and moments of inertia.

  • 12110313: مختبر قياسات كهربائية [1 ساعات]

    This course consists of hands-on and computer-aided laboratory exercises that explore topic areas from 12110312 Electrical Measurements. In this course, experiments with fundamental electric circuits illustrating the principles and limitations of basic electrical and electronic instrumentation in typical measurement applications are conducted. The following topics are covered in this module: introduction to basic electrical laboratory practice, design of experiments and safety procedures, principle of measurements, errors, accuracy, units of measurements and electrical standards, Q-meters, Watt-meters, semiconductor, digital voltmeters, X-Y recorders, temperature controllers, operational amplifiers, transducers, introduction to the design of electronic equipment for temperature measurement, resistance and liquid level.

  • 12120205: الكترونيات [3 ساعات]

    Provides a broad introduction to the fundamentals of Electronics. The atom, materials used in semiconductors, current in semiconductors, N-type and P-type semiconductors and the PN junction. Diodes and its applications with emphasis on half-wave rectifiers, full wave rectifiers, filters, regulators, limiters clampers and multipliers. Special-purpose diodes with particular emphasis on Zener diode and its applications. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) including BJT bias circuits and BJT amplifier configurations with a focus on common-emitter amplifier. Filed-Effect Transistors (FETs), JFET, MOSFET, characteristics, parameters and biasing.

  • 12120419: قيادة كهربائية [3 ساعات]

    The following topics are covered in this course: definition of electrical drives, DC and AC drives, speed –torque characteristics, quadrant of operation, phase-controlled DC drives, chopper controlled DC drives, frequency control of AC drives, open loop and closed loop control of speed, current and position and flux weakening.

  • 12250524: أنظمة نقل القدرة في السيارات [2 ساعات]

    "This course will introduce students to how a manual transmission system operates within a vehicle and identifiy how this system helps in powering a vehicle and maximizes its performance. topics covered are front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, four-wheel drive, and all-wheel drive transmissions systems. The power delivery to the wheels through the clutch, transmission, differential and drive shaft are part of this course. The course will also identify how an automatic transmission system operates within a vehicle and introduce students to basic components, concepts, and general terminology associated with automatic transmissions and their types (hydraulic automatic, which uses a planetary gearset, torque converter, Continuously Variable Transmission CVT , Dual-Clutch Transmission DCT also termed as DSG).

  • 12250506: نظرة عامة على صنع السيارة [3 ساعات]

    This course presents an overview of vehicle manufacturing from an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) perspective. The course covers topics such as supplier integration, flexible manufacturing, quality engineering methods and their applications to manufacturing. It also focuses on opportunities and challenges presented in automotive manufacturing in a global environment.

  • 15200102: اللغة العربية [3 ساعات]

    يهدف المساق إلى تنمية قدرات الطلاب المعرفية في مهارات الاتصال باللغة العربية المتعلقة بالتحدث والقراءة والكتابة والاستماع من خلال التعريف بمستويات اللغة العربية وإتقان استخدام المعاجم العربية الشائعة ومعرفة الأخطاء الشائعة اللغوية والإملائية والنحوية والاطلاع على نماذج أدبية عربية قديمة وحديثة إضافة للنموذج الأعلى القرآن الكريم.

  • 12120305: متحكمات دقيقه [3 ساعات]

    Microprocessors and Microcontroller Systems: microprocessors, microcontrollers, memory, input/output, busses (data, address, control). Microprocessor and Microcontroller Architecture: internal structure, ALU, registers, flags, interrupts and I/O ports. Programming: instruction set, assembly language, programming techniques. Subroutines, addressing modes. Examples of microprocessors and microcontrollers in engineering applications.

  • 12210347: نظرية الالات [3 ساعات]

    Kinematic Analysis of mechanisms, Velocity and acceleration polygons. Static and inertia forces analysis, dynamic analysis of cams, gears, and gear trains, Balancing of machines.

  • 15010230: رياضيات هندسية (2) [3 ساعات]

    .المعادلات التفاضلية عالية الرتبة، تحويل فورييه ، تحويل لابلاس ،المعادلات التفاضلية الجزئية ،التحليل العقدي ، تحليل معقد تمثيل هندسي ، تمثيل قطبي ، تمثيل أسي، المستوى المركب ، التكامل الخطي.

  • 12340412: الاقتصاد الهندسي [3 ساعات]

    Major elements of feasibility studies. Principles of engineering Economy. Equivalence and compound interest formula. Single payment model. Uniform payment model. Gradient payment model. Exponential payment model. Decision criteria for single and multiple alternatives: present worth, annual worth, future worth, rate of return, benefit cost ratio and payback methods.

  • 12220551: الوقود والاحتراق [3 ساعات]

    The following topics are covered: combustion thermochemistry, introduction to mass transfer, premixed and non-premixed flames, combustion of solid and liquid fuels, and detonation of gaseous mixtures.

  • 12250520: أنظمة إدارة محرك الديزل [3 ساعات]

    This course covers all aspects of the design and operation of diesel combustion engines. Principles of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics are used in the analysis of diesel engines (compression-ignition). Topics covered in this course include discussions on compression ignition (diesel) engines with special emphasis placed on new engine technologies. Intake, in-cylinder and exhaust flows are considered along with various aspects of combustion phenomenon relevant to diesel engines.

  • 15200104: خدمة المجتمع [1 ساعات]

    يقوم الطلبة بأعمال تطوعية مثل التبرع بالدم أو ترميم البيوت أو مسارات سياحية أو عقد ورشات تثقيفية في الجامعة ، ويلتزم الطالب بالتدريب أو العمل لمدة 40 ساعة زمنية.

  • 12110335: مختبر الات كهربائية [1 ساعات]

    This course consists of hands-on and computer-aided laboratory exercises that explore topic areas from 12110317 Electrical Machines. Transformers, DC motors, synchronous generators, synchronous motors, 1-ph motors and 3-ph induction motors are all studied experimentally in this module. .

  • 12120206: مختبر الكترونيات [1 ساعات]

    This course is an introductory experimental laboratory that explores basic topics in electronics: Rectifier diodes, characteristics representation of diodes of different semiconductor materials, half-wave rectifier and bridge rectifier. Special purpose didoes, LED, Zener characteristics, Series and series-opposed circuit of Zener diodes, DC and AC voltage limitations and overload protection with Zener diodes. Bipolar transistors, testing and rectifying behavior, control characteristics, feedback characteristics and amplifier circuits. JFET and MOSFET.

  • 12250512: مشغل سيارات(2) [1 ساعات]

    Students in this course are expected to build upon what is learned in 12250511 Automotive Workshop 1. Hence, the following topics are covered: engine service including fuel injection systems, pistons, piston rings, crank shaft, cooling system, lubrication system, valves and valve trains, adjusting valve clearance, fuel pumps and timing belts. In addition, testing and calibration of sensors and actuators is covered.

  • 12120420: مختبر قيادة كهربائية [1 ساعات]

    This course consists of hands-on and computer-aided laboratory exercises that explore topic areas from 12120419 Electrical Drives. The following topics are studied experimentally in this course: DC and AC drives, speed –torque characteristics, quadrant of operation, open loop and closed loop speed control, current limitation and position control.

  • 12210444: مقدمة في منهجية البحث العلمي [3 ساعات]

    This course aims to promote the breadth of scientific endeavour, the integrated nature of scientific disciplines, the importance of scientific process and critical thinking. The course includes discussions about how data, information, knowledge and decision-making relate to research. The course also focuses on the theoretical considerations involved in the first stage of the research process: formulating the research problem and research questions, hypotheses or objectives. Tips on writing research questions and developing hypotheses are provided. Students are expected to examine a series of scientific issues, dealing with medical, environmental, social and other issues. This course is taught using a combination of scientific discussion, self-directed learning, student presentations, class activities and a research assignment.

  • 12250519: أنظمة إدارة محرك البنزين [3 ساعات]

    This course studies the fundamentals of how the design and operation of gasoline combustion engines affect their performance, efficiency, fuel requirements, and environmental impact. Topics include fluid flow, thermodynamics, combustion, heat transfer and friction phenomena and fuel properties, with reference to engine power, efficiency, and emissions. Students are introduced to modern gasoline injection systems. In addition, students are expected to examine the design features and operating characteristics of different types of gasoline internal combustion engines (spark-ignition).

  • 12250525: مواضيع خاصة في هندسة السيارات [3 ساعات]

    This module concentrates on the topics of interest of the local and international markets. Students are expected to learn about the services of aftersales department of car dealerships in the local market. In addition, students are introduced to modern automotive design techniques. Seminars are expected to take place through the semester in which students meet with industry professionals from the local market and discuss the opportunities and needs of the market. Students are also expected to learn the current techniques of car production such as cost-reduction techniques, stability enhancement and customer appeal.

  • 12250526: صيانة هيكل وجسم السيارة [3 ساعات]

    The following topics will be covered: main components of vehicle chassis, functions and types of chassis frame, main design parameters, basic requirements of automotive bodies and materials used in constrution. Different methods used in chassis and body inspection and maintenance will also be discussed.

  • 12250527: المركبات ذاتية القيادة [3 ساعات]

    This course introduces the concepts behind autonomous vehicles and enables students to design and implement guidance strategies for vehicles incorporating planning, optimising, trajectory generation elements, design and implement obstacle avoidance methods within an autonomous guidance regime. In addition, students will be introduced to the use of graph theory for optimal path planning.

  • 15200099: إنجليزي إستدراكي [3 ساعات]

    انجليزي استدراكي 15200099: يركز هذا المساق بشكل أساسي على تنمية مهارات الطلبة في تعلم اللغة من خلال تزويد الطلاب بالمهارات الأساسية اللازمة للتواصل الناجح في كل من الأشكال الشفوية والمكتوبة للغة، بالإضافة إلى القواعد النحوية وكيفية استخدام المفردات في سياق ذي معنى.

  • 15020106: مختبر فيزياء عامه 2 [1 ساعات]

    تجارب على الجلفانوميتر واستخداماته، قانون أوم، الجهد والمجال الكهربائي، المكثفات، قنطرة وتستون ومجزىء الجهد، القوة الدافعة الكهربائية، قانون كيرشوف، دارات المقاومات والمكثفات والملفات.

  • 12110236: الدوائر الكهربائية [3 ساعات]

    The unit of charge. Current voltage and power, types of circuits and circuit elements. Ohms law. KVL and KCL, single –loop and single node – pair circuits resistance and source combination. Nodal and mesh analysis, source transformations, superposition, Thevenins and Norton. The inductor, V-I relationships for the inductor, capacitors, V-I for the capacitor. Source free RL and RC. Step response for RL and RC. Natural and step response of RLC circuits

  • 12210345: قوة المواد [3 ساعات]

    Topics covered in the course include Equilibrium of deformable body, stress, normal stress, allowable stress, deformation and strain, material properties, axial loading, principle of superposition, thermal stress, statically indeterminate axially loaded member, torsional deformation, torsional formula, power transmission, shear-bending diagram, bending deformation of straight member, flexure formula, shear stress in beams, thin walled pressure vessel, combined loading.

  • 12250509: أنظمة التدفئة والتكييف في السيارات [1 ساعات]

    This course covers automotive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, with a focus on identification of parts and the repair of these systems. In addition, basics of temperature control and failures in the electrical controls of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are discussed.