Sustainable Investment Policy‎

 Sustainable Investment Policy (PTUK)- Version )1(

This policy has been developed to include sustainability issues with investment decisions. This policy applies to the staff of the university. It works in support of the university regulations and ordinances. The PTUK university holds number of investments and extra ones will be in operation next few years.

An investment policy taking into account the sustainability issues has been set to manage these investments to ensure the various environmental, social, and economic sustainability issues and this should mirror the desire of the university to be sustainable. The decisions regarding the investment should be also aligned with university sustainability strategy and the investments should support the university commitment to reduce CO2 emissions and sustain its diversity.

The following will enhance the realization of this strategy:

  • Promotion of the required business ethics and the good practices for employment activities in these investments.
  • Enhancement of the local community participation in running these investments especially whose services help to protect the environment and achieve good social impacts.
  • Getting help of the international funds to help in running these investments. This can be achieved by announcing the university practices in sustainability managing these investments.
  • Announcement of the rights of the employee who are running these investments.
  • All of the procurement and purchasing activities regarding these investments should be in accordance with the procurement sustainability policy.
  • In case of reliance on external management and running of these investments, those investors should comply with the university sustainable investment policy.

As the other policies and strategies regarding the sustainability, this policy is directed by the university president assistant for the governance affairs. This policy should be reviewed every 3 years.

To investigate the environmental and the social impact of applying the details of this sustainability investment policy and the effectiveness of the practices derived from this policy, an annual report will be prepared.