Academic Reputation and Classification Office

  • About

    Academic reputation is one of the most important criteria that contribute to ‎raising the university’s ranking. It is well known that the reputation of any ‎institution and its ability to compete depends on the quality of its programs and ‎services, which in turn rely on the existence of a base of quality standards, ‎which in turn are achieved through highly efficient management that depends ‎on strategic planning. ‎
    The reputation of any university depends on the reputation of its academic ‎programs, and the extent of its commitment to local laws and international ‎agreements related to higher education.‎
    Thus, Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie is keen on raising the level and ‎quality of its educational services, applying academic standards in all its ‎programs, and adhering to the implementation of the law in its academic and ‎administrative work.‎

  • Vision

    Enhancing PTUK’s reputation as a teaching and research institution which is ‎recognized for its innovation, excellence, and discovery, and attracts the best ‎students and staff.‎

  • Mission

    Adopting a comprehensive approach to managing academic reputation and ‎integrating it into the core of the university's vision, mission, goals, and values, ‎within a flexible and comprehensive strategic plan‏.‏

  • Objectives

    ‎• Enhancing PTUK’s reputation and competition locally and globally.‎
    ‎• Cooperating and participating in the achievement of global rankings.‎
    ‎• Enhancing competitiveness and achieving financial security.‎
    ‎• Minimizing risks and achieving prudent management.‎
    ‎• Investing, employing, and retaining human resources while ensuring stability ‎and job security.‎==