Legal Affairs Unit

  • About

    Legal Affairs Department is concerned with providing a sound legal opinion in a manner consistent with ‎the regulations and instructions in force within the university and the State of Palestine.‎
    The office includes top legal advisers that provide high-quality legal services as well as in-depth legal ‎consultations with maximum efficiency and speed and superlative performance.‎
    The office also reviews contract agreements and memoranda of understanding related to the PTUK and ‎other universities and companies.‎

    Roles and Responsibilities
    • Study draft laws regulations instructions and decisions entrusted to the unit by the university's ‎presidency or its councils. ‎
    • Express a legal opinion on any agreement or memorandum of understanding and propose ‎modifications when appropriate.‎
    • Draft PTUK organizational decisions and instructions and place them in the appropriate legal ‎framework.‎
    • Follow up the legal procedures of investigation committees and disciplinary councils at the ‎university.‎
    • Provide a classified and indexed legal reference for legislation instructions communications and ‎circulars.‎
    • Adopt local regional and international agreements pertaining to the university and legally ‎review them.‎
    • Participate in training programs and lectures of a legal nature.‎

  • Objectives

    • Give legal advice upon request. ‎
    • Prepare draft laws regulations and instructions.‎
    • Draft and ratifying contracts and agreements.‎
    • Review the agreements concluded by the university with other parties.‎
    • Follow-up on the university cases in Palestinian courtrooms. ‎
    • Contribute to the development of PTUK's legislation and amending its existing legislation.‎