Sustainability Policy on Donations and Funding (PTUK)- Version )1(
The purpose of the implementation of this policy is to systematically donate and raise the learning and research funds for the target of the university students and researchers.
This policy is applicable to the staff and the students of the university.
The university offers teaching and learning donations (Tuitions) to different groups of students. Besides the outstanding students, these donations are offered to students whose families are with low income. Those students are usually directed to enroll university programs that enable the graduates to have their own job opportunity which in turn has a positive economic and social impact to the weaker section of the society.
Researchers from different university departments are encouraged to direct their research projects to the nearby society for development activities.
The students are encouraged to direct their final graduation projects which are usually partly funded by the university to deal and solve special cases facing the local community.
The university works to facilitate social activities with local community. These activities are directly managed by the university departments or via social work organizations. The purpose of these activities is to react with local community needs and to hear from them about their expectations from the university. This will end up with enhancing their economic and social living conditions.
Most of the funds offered to the university require by the university to be in line with the sustainability issues. Part of these funds are directed to deal with clean renewable energy sources. Other part of these funds are directed to establish training centers to train the local community in order to initiate their own jobs.
As the other policies and strategies regarding the sustainability, this policy is directed by the university president assistant for the governance affairs. This policy should be reviewed every 3 years.
To investigate the environmental and the social impact of applying the details of this sustainability policy on donations and funding and the effectiveness of the practices derived from this policy, an annual report will be prepared.