The idea of the program was conceived due to the urgent national need for engineers in the construction industry as the country was going through active urban and building developments. There was also an urgent need to keep pace with the technological renaissance in raw materials construction technology as well as energy conservation and the preservation of a clean environment.
The concept of construction and environmental engineering is that students receive combined training and education in a number of engineering disciplines including construction or architecture electricity electronics and even mechanics within the course setup.
The program provides the market with engineers equipped with the ability to design modern and sustainable buildings that exploit natural resources optimally in all design and implementation stages.
We intend to accomplish the following specific objectives:
• Equip graduates with the general background knowledge necessary for their future professional position in society.
• Equip graduates with the fundamental scientific knowledge necessary for their career as well as their professional and scientific development.
• Enable students to understand the theoretical foundations for different types of building constructions and the various stages of the construction process.
• Provide students with the ability to effectively design buildings of various kinds.
• Prepare graduates to carry out building projects including the ability to understand the structural schemes in a scientific and practical way.
• Provide graduates with comprehensive knowledge of all technical aspects of buildings.
• Provide students with the skills required for implementing contractual and legal terms.
• Provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of all environmental aspects associated with buildings and enable them to design and implement eco-friendly projects.
• Provide graduates with skills to use modern technologies starting in the design stages and up to the final stage of the construction project.
• Prepare graduates to manage and supervise construction projects effectively and professionally.
• Construction engineering in engineering offices and companies.
• Green building design.
• Designing lighting thermal and sound insulation systems in buildings.
• Project coordination and supervision.
• Contracting companies.
• Municipalities government ministries and universities.
• Material and soil testing laboratories.