Bachelor of Educational Technology

  • About

    The Technology Education Program was established with the aim of preparing qualified graduates who are capable of teaching technology in Palestinian schools.
    The program, which is a distinguished combination of theory and practice, aspires to develop students' self-abilities to understand and comprehend cognitive and technical development by providing them with the appropriate skills to search for knowledge inside and outside the classroom.
    The program also seeks to develop and provide pre-service teachers with the necessary knowledge that helps them to teach technology at all educational levels, in addition to providing them with the necessary skills to communicate the knowledge in a manner commensurate with students' levels, abilities, and interests.

  • Objectives and Outcomes

    • Develop the ‎education and ‎technology ‎sectors in ‎Palestine.‎
    • Prepare ‎scientifically and ‎educationally ‎qualified ‎teachers in the ‎field of ‎technology ‎education in the ‎various stages of ‎education.‎
    • Equip the ‎graduates with ‎the cognitive ‎and ‎technological ‎basics necessary ‎for the ‎development of ‎students' ‎personalities in ‎schools.‎
    • Meet the local ‎community's ‎need for highly ‎qualified and ‎trained teachers ‎in the field of ‎technology ‎education.‎
    • Employ modern ‎educational ‎methods and ‎strategies to ‎develop ‎students' critical ‎thinking skills.‎

  • Career Opportunities

    • Education. ‎
    • Computer ‎companies. ‎
    • Ministries and ‎government ‎offices. ‎

  • Campus

      • Tulkarem.
      • Ramallah.
      • Aroub.