Bachelor of Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing - Cooperative

  • About

    The bachelor program of Accounting and Auditing aims to prepare professional accountants who have the ability and competence to use the internationally recognized computerized accounting and auditing platforms.Through this program Palestine Technical University Kadoorie aspires to improve the profession of accounting and auditing technically and professionally at the local and regional levels. This is to achieved through integration between theory and practice which is possible through partnerships with leading institutions and companies in the field.The program also seeks to equip the graduates with the necessary foundations to enable them to work in the public and private sectors as well as with non-governmental institutions

  • Objectives and Outcomes

    • Equip graduates with the necessary knowledge and competencies to keep pace with modern ‎developments in the science of accounting and auditing.‎
    • Provide advisory services in accounting and auditing for the public and private sectors. ‎
    • Provide graduates with the basic skills necessary to deal with various accounting and auditing ‎systems. ‎
    • Develop graduates' abilities to plan implement and control financial operations. ‎
    • Develop graduates' skills to deal with computerized accounting and auditing programs. ‎
    • Improve the graduates' skills in accounting and auditing by providing them with labor market ‎experience which they are able to attain while studying.‎
    • Promote ethical and moral values to support the graduates' work in public and private sectors.‎

  • Career Opportunities

    • Universities and educational institutions.‎
    • Financial and accounting control bodies.‎
    • Banks and financial institutions.‎
    • Ministries.‎
    • Private sector companies.‎
    • International and local audit firms.‎
    • Financial brokerage firms.‎
    • Financial advisory offices.‎

  • Campus

      • Tulkarem.