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Kadoorie and Constructional Industries Discuss Students’ Training Plan
  • Monday, 16-05-2022

Kadoorie and Constructional Industries Discuss Students’ Training Plan

Mechanical and Automation Engineering Departments at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie came to an agreement with the Palestinian Constructional Industries Union to train the departments’ students. The agreement took place at the PTUK Home Campus in Tulkarem in presence of the Executive Manager of the union, Mr. Khaled Safi as well as the heads of the Mechanic Engineering and the Automation Departments, Dr. Jaafar Dawood and Dr. Jaafar Almasri. Dr. Dawood ensured the strong collaboration with the union for the better training of the students and engagement in the labor market which will open horizons of development acquainting them with required competitive skills after graduation. Mr. Safi explained he training opportunity to the students that it may offer direct job opportunities in the industries after training, indicating that 30 students of both departments will be trained for free starting in coming July and lasting for nearly three months.