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  • Monday, 18-09-2017

A delegation PTUK Participates in a Workshop at University of Parma Italy

A delegation from Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie concluded its participation in a workshop on the “Management of the Outputs of Scientific Research”.
During the workshop,thepartner European universities within ERASMUS + program delivered lectures onthe various techniques and mechanisms that can be employed in the management of scientific research outputs in an effective manner that contributes to stimulating scientific research in Palestinian universities.
The university was represented by theProject Coordinator at PTUK-Dr. Na’el Salman, the Dean of Scientific Research-Dr. RanaAl- Qabaj, the Director of the University’s Library Dr. AwniAlsous, the Director of the Computer Center- Fadi Ismail, the Director of e-Learning Center SaadRadwan and the employee at the E-Learning Center-Hadi Khalil.