The course aims to develop the students’ cognitive abilities and communication skills in Arabic language by introducing Arabic dictionaries, spelling and grammatical errors, and familiarizing them with ancient and modern Arabic literary models including models from the Holy Qur’an.
Students perform voluntary work such as donating blood, repairing homes, tourist trails, or holding educational workshops at the university, and the student is committed to training or working for 40 hours.
English 1 is a theoretical, 3-credit hour university requisite, and a general English Course which is designed to serve all BA and BSc Students of (PTUK) in all faculties. This course aims at developing students’ repertoire of the English language main skills as well as sub-skills through providing them with broad varieties of language patterns, grammatical and structural rules, and vocabulary items that can enable them to communicate meaningfully within ordinary and real-life contexts and situations. This course is also oriented towards equipping students with the skills they need to comprehend texts, contexts, and situations that are related to ordinary and real-life topics. Throughout this course, students will be exposed to a wide and various aural inputs in order to broaden and deepen their skills in listening, judgment, and critical thinking. Students of this course are expected to acquire and practice the skills they need to maximize their capabilities to express opinions about ordinary and real life topics both orally and in a written format, which will help in widening the students’ academic horizon.
Experiments on balance of forces, motion, free fall and motion of projectiles, force and motion, Newton's laws, friction, rotational motion, work, the principle of conservation of energy, the principle of conservation of linear momentum, the moment of inertia of bodies.
Principles of data structure and programming methods, titles, queues, backlogs, dual and closed end queues, connected lists, indicators, recursion, binary tree, sorting and search methods
Division algorithm; divisibility; greatest common divisor and least common multiple; Diophentine equations; prime numbers and their distribution; fundamental theorem of arithmetic; congruence; linear congruence equations; Chinese remainder theorem; tests of divisibility. Fermat little theorem; Wilson's theorem; arithmetic functions; cryptography as an application of number theory.
Biz theory, probability principle, concavity property, tribal and dimensional coupling density, marginal distributions, conjugate families, Biz evaluation, hypothesis testing using experimental Biz theory experimental Biz.
Descriptive techniques; types of variations: trend, cycle and seasonal fluctuations, autocorrelation; probability models for time series; stationary processes; autocorrelation function; estimation in time domain; fitting an autoregressive process; fitting a moving average process; forecasting; box and Jenkin`s methods; stationary processes in the frequency domain; spectral analysis.
This course is designed to serve PTUK students in the faculties of Science and Engineering as well as the students of Educational Technology (ET); it offers a broad overview of the English language learning skills in reading, writing, speaking that will enable them to communicate meaningfully in scientific contexts and situations. It also offers a broad variety of scientific language grammatical patterns and vocabulary items that are needed to comprehend scientific contexts and trends. Throughout this course, students will be exposed to a variety of scientific topics, aural input in order to broaden and deepen their critical thinking skills and to help them express opinions about modern scientific topics and problems.
Science and its objectives, concepts and fields of scientific research, the library and its role in research and knowledge, scientific research methods (historical, descriptive, procedural, experimental), problem, plan, research hypotheses, samples, questionnaire, collection methods.
Gama function, Bessel, Lagender, Hermet, Error, Strlang Formula, Hyberbolic and perpendicular functions.
" Classification of Linear PDE of Second Order. Boundary Value Problems with PDEs. Second Order Linear PDEs with Constant Coefficients. Separation of variables.;Orthogonal Sets of Functions. Sturm-liouville BVP. ; Fourier series, Integrals and Fourier transforms; The Dirac Delta Function. The Green’s Functions. Green’s Approach. Derivation and solution of the Three Most Important PDEs: The heat equation. The wave equation. The Laplace’s equation.
Interest rates. Simple interest rates. Present value of a single future payment. Discount factors. Effective and nominal interest rates. Real and money interest rates. Com- pound interest rates. Relation between the time periods for compound interest rates and the discount factor. Compound interest functions. Annuities and perpetuities. Loans. Introduction to fixed-income instruments. Generalized cashflow model. Net present value of a sequence of cashflows. Equation of value. Internal rate of return. Investment project appraisal. Examples of cashflow patterns and their present values. Elementary compound interest problems
Integral equations, Integral transformation and Applications
Cross-correlation classification tables, odds ratios, risk ratios, linear digital systems, logistic regression, quality analysis tests, independence tests, regular tests, and grade tests.
The course introduces the student to concepts, theories and skills in the field of human communication in Arabic and English, and provides him with basic skills in the field of communication with himself and with others through the art of recitation, dialogue, persuasion, negotiation and leadership, to enhance his practice in his daily and practical life using new methods based on diverse and effective training and evaluation. In addition to the knowledge of electronic communication and social intelligence, as well as enabling the student to write his CV and conduct a personal interview in Arabic and English. The course aims to develop the student's skills on written, oral and electronic communication and the use of body language in order to improve the abilities to communicate with others in general, in addition to the students' abilities to send and receive in the study and work environment in particular.
This course aims to introduce students to civilization, its’ characteristics, patterns, and its relationship to civics and culture. It focuses on the study of Islamic civilization, its’ genesis, components, characteristics, contemporary problems and issues, such as the civilizational interaction between Islamic civilization and the West, the contributions of Muslim scholars to human civilization, the impact of Islamic civilization on global human civilization, and ways of transmission to various countries of the world. It also deals with scientific development, Islamic systems and institutions, architecture and arts in Islamic civilization.
This is the first of two general chemistry courses. It introduces the basic principles of chemistry and shows students how chemists describe matter. It revolves around bonding, the most central concept in chemistry. Material covered includes introduction to chemical calculations, stoichiometry and simple reactions, gases, thermochemistry, atomic structure, the periodic table, types of bonding, liquids and solids.
Numerical errors and their estimation, approximation and interpolation, roots of equations, solution of linear and nonlinear simultaneous equations, differentiation and integration, ordinary and partial differential equations, statistical methods
Groups and subgroups; cyclic groups; permutation groups; isomophisms of groups; direct product of groups; cosets, and Lagranges theorem; normal subgroups and factor groups; homomorphisms of groups; the first isomorphism theorems; rings; subrings; integral domains; factor rings; and ideals.
antiderivatives; the indefinite integral; the definite integral; the fundamental theorem of calculus ; the area under a curve; the area between two curves.Techniques of integration: integration by substitution; integration by parts, integrating powers of trigonometric functions, trigonometric substitutions, integrating rational functions, partial fractions, rationalization, miscellaneous substitution; improper integrals; application of definite integral: volumes, length of a plane curve, area of a surface of revolution infinite series: sequences, infinite series, convergence tests, absolute convergence, conditional convergence; alternating series; power series: Taylor and Maclurine series, differentiation and integration of power series:
programming language and to provide students with the ability to write simple correct programs. Topics to be covered include: I/O, data types, function definition, visibility and storage classes, parameter passing, loops, arrays, pointers, strings, files, introducing classes and objects, constructors and destructors, function prototypes, private and public access, and class implementation. programming language and to provide students with the ability to write simple correct programs. Topics to be covered include: I/O, data types, function definition, visibility and storage classes, parameter passing, loops, arrays, pointers, strings, files, introducing classes and objects, constructors and destructors, function prototypes, private and public access, and class implementation. programming language and to provide students with the ability to write simple correct programs. Topics to be covered include: I/O, data types, function definition, visibility and storage classes, parameter passing, loops, arrays, pointers, strings, files, introducing classes and objects, constructors and destructors, function prototypes, private and public access, and class implementation.
polar coordinates and parametric equations: polar coordinates, graphs in polar coordinates , conics in polar coordinates, area in Polar coordinates; parametric equations; tangent lines and arc length in parametric curves and polar coordinates. Three dimensional space and vectors rectangular coordinates in 3-space; spheres, cylindrical surfaces; quadric surfaces; vectors: dot product, projections, cross product, parametric equations of lines. planes in 3-spaces; vector -valued functions: calculus of vector valued functions, change of parameters, arc length, unit tangent and normal vectors, curvature, functions of two or more variable: domain, limits, and continuity; partial derivatives; differentiability; total differentials; the chain rule; the gradient; directional derivatives; tangent planes; normal lines; maxima and minima of functions of two variables; Lagrange multipliers; multiple integrals: double integral, double integrals in polar coordinates; triple integrals; triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates; change of variables in multiple integrals; Jacobian .
Basic concepts in databases, database environment, database management systems, database models, relational databases, ER-modle, introduction to SQL, database security.
Elements of multiple analysis, multiple variables engineering, multiple natural distribution, vector rate estimation and variance, vector rate hypothesis testing, basic components, general analysis, legal correlation, distinction and classification, cluster analysis, use of statistical packages..
Classical Cryptosystems such as: Shift ciphers, Affine ciphers, The Vigen`ere cipher, Substitution ciphers, The Playfair cipher, ADFGX cipher, and Block ciphers. One time pad, Pseudo-Random Bit Generation, and Linear feedback shift register. World War II ciphers such as: Enigma and Lorenz. Public key cryptosystems, The RSA, Primality testing and attack on RSA, The ElGamal Public key cryptosystem. Symmetric block cipher systems such as: DES and Rijndael. Digital Signatures such as: RSA signatures, The ElGamal signature scheme, and Hash functions. Elliptic curves and elliptic curves cryptosystems.
Apply concepts, techniques, algorithms, and tools to analyze, manage, and visualize data in order to help the learner discover information and knowledge to guide effective decision-making and gain new insights from large data sets. The course helps the student to analyze the data arising from some real-world phenomena to understand these phenomena. The student acquires the concepts and skills needed for programming as well as statistical inference, along with practical analysis of real-world data sets, including economic data, document sets, geographic data, and social networks. The course briefly addresses the social and legal issues surrounding data analysis, including privacy and data ownership issues
Formulation of linear problems; the simplex method; the geometry of the simplex method; duality in linear programming; the dual simplex method; sensitivity analysis; introduction to graphs; network flows.
Real numbers: order, absolute value, bounded subsets, completeness property, Archimedean property; supremum and infimum; sequences: limit, Cauchy sequence, recurrence sequence, increasing, decreasing sequence, lim sup, liminf of a sequence; functions: limit, right, left limit, continuity at a point, continuity on an interval; uniform continuity (on an interval) relations between continuity and uniform continuity, differentiability: definition, right, left derivative, relation between differentiability and continuity, Rolle’s theorem, mean value theorem, applications on mean value theorem.
Distributions of random variables; conditional probability and stochastic independence; some special distributions (discrete and continuous distributions); univariate, bivariate and multivariate distributions; distributions of functions of random variables (distribution function method, moment generating function method, and the Jacobian transformation method); limiting distributions
The content of this course includes completely randomized design, randomized block design, factorial design, fractional factorial design, split design, orthogonal array, Taguchi method on experimental design, SN ratio, and response surface.
Linear models, as their name implies, relates an outcome to a set of predictors of interest using linear assumptions. Regression models, a subset of linear models, are the most important statistical analysis tool in a data scientist’s toolkit. This course covers regression analysis, least squares and inference using regression models. Special cases of the regression model, ANOVA and ANCOVA will be covered as well. Analysis of residuals and variability will be investigated. The course will cover modern thinking on model selection and novel uses of regression models including scatterplot smoothing.
The content of this course includes simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, ratio estimates and regression estimates, multi-stage sampling, double sampling, and replicates sampling.
Remedial English: The course is a compulsory service course offered for first year students. It is a prerequisite for E1 and it focuses mainly on the language learning skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course is intended to equip the students with basic skills necessary for successful communication in both oral and written forms of the language. In addition to grammar and how to use vocabulary in a meaningful context.
Measurement and system of units, vectors, motion in one and two dimensions, particle dynamics and Newton's laws of motion, work and energy, conservation of energy, dynamics of system of particles, center of mass, conservation of linear momentum, collisions, impulse, rotational kinematics, rotational dynamics, conservation of angular momentum.
Laboratory safety and basic laboratory techniques, empirical formula of a compound, limiting reactant, molecular weight of a volatile liquid, acid base titration; oxidation reduction titration, water of hydration, percentage composition, gas properties.
Topological spaces; open sets; boundary; interior; accumulation points; topologies induced by functions; subspace topology; bases and sub bases; finite products; continuous functions; open and closed functions homeomorphisms; separation axioms; accountability axioms; metric spaces, connectedness and compactness.
Estimation: point estimation, confidence interval; statistical test: UMP test; likelihood ratio tests, chi-square tests, SPRT; non -parametric methods; Sufficient statistics and its properties; complete statistics exponential family; Fisher Information and the Rao-Cramer inequality
Charge and matter, electric field, gauss's law, electric potential, capacitors and dielectrics, current and resistance, electromotive force and circuits, the magnetic field, ampere's law, faraday's law of induction.
Logic and proofs; quantifiers; rules of inference mathematical proofs, sets: set operations, extended set operations and indexed families of sets; relations; Cartesian products and relations; equivalence relations; partitions; functions; onto functions, one-to-one functions; induced set functions; cardinality; equipotence of sets; finite and infinite sets; countable sets, topology of R.
Infinite series and infinite product; sequences of functions; pointwise and uniform convergence; interchange of limits theorem; series of functions; theorem of uniform convergence; power series; Fourier series; differentiation and integration of sequence of functions; multiple integrals; improper integrals.
Special topics in one of the mathematical topics chosen by the department according to the needs of students and the interests of faculty members.
Markov chains, transition probability, case classification, moderation and alignment, stable time-series distributions, poppet transfer markov process, second-order operations, mean coupling and co-contrast, Gauss process, and Wiener process.
The approximation of matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the numerical solution of nonlinear systems of equations, numerical techniques for unconstrained function minimization, finite difference and finite element methods for two-point boundary value problems, and finite difference methods for some model problems in partial differential equations.
Actuarial Mathematics provides a grounding in the principles of actuarial modelling, focusing on deterministic models and their application to financial products. It equips the student with a knowledge of the basic principles of actuarial modelling, theories of interest rates and the mathematical techniques used to model and value cash flows which are either certain or are contingent on mortality, morbidity and/or survival. The subject includes theory and application of the ideas to real data sets using Microsoft Excel.
The course deals with the events of the Palestinian issue through the most important ages from the Canaanites until the year 2021. It focuses on the Islamic conquest of Palestine in the year 15 AH 636 AD, the Crusader torch from 1099 to the liberation of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi of Palestine in 1187, and it talks about the Ottomans in Palestine from 1516 to 1917. The course is concerned with the Palestinian issue during the British occupation in 1917, until the Nakba in 1948, and the establishment of the occupation state .It deals with the Palestinian resistance and revolutions during 100 years, and Arab-Israeli wars from 1948 to 2021.The course talks about Palestinian Liberation Organization, Palestinian resistance movements and parties, Palestinian Authority and the peace negotiations projects since the 1978 Camp David Accords until 2021.The course talks about attempts to Judaism Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque since the Palestinian setback in 1967 until 2021, and the issue of Palestinian refugees since 1948. It also anticipates the future of the Palestinian issue.
Functions: domain, operations on functions, graphs of functions; trigonometric functions; limits: meaning of a limit, computational techniques, limits at infinity, infinite limits ;continuity; limits and continuity of trigonometric functions; the derivative: techniques of differentiation, derivatives of trigonometric functions; the chain rule; implicit differentiation; differentials; Roll’s Theorem; the mean value theorem; the extended mean value theorem; L’Hopital’s rule; increasing and decreasing functions; concavity; maximum and minimum values of a function; graphs of functions including rational functions (asymptotes) and functions with vertical tangents (cusps);
Simple and multiple regression, correlation coefficient, the analysis of variance of one and two-factor experiments, the Latin squares, Chi square test for homogeneity, independent, and goodness of fit, non-parametric statistics that includes the sign test, Wilcoxon rank sum test, W. lcoxon signed rank test, and the Mann-Whiteny test, Spearman correlation coefficient.
Function of bounded variation; total variation; the Riemann-Stieltjes integral; Riemann-Stieltjes sums and integral; integration by parts, integrability of continuous functions; metric spaces and Euclidean spaces; metric space topology; connectedness; completeness of R n ; continuity in R n ; differentiability in R n ; partial derivatives and directional derivatives; differentials; chain rule; mixed partial derivatives; the implicit function theorem; total derivative, (Jacobian matrix); mean value theorem ; Taylor’s theorem
Theory of curves in space . Regular curves and reparametrization, Serret-Fernet apparatus, existence and uniqueness theorem for space curves. Local theory of surfaces: Simple surfaces, coordinate transformations, tangent vectors and tangent spaces, first and second fundamental forms, normal and geodesic curvatures, Weingarten map, principal, Gaussian and mean curvatures. Geodesics, equations of Gauss and Codazzi-Mainardi
Axiomatic systems: consistency, independence and completeness, finite projective geometry, a brief critique of Euclid, the postulates of connection, the measurement of distance, ruler postulate, order relations, plane-separation postulate, spaceseparation theorem, angles and angle measurement, protractor postulate, further properties of angles, triangles and polygons, congruence postulate, parallel postulate, similarity, Pythagorean theorem, theorems of Ceva and Menelous, Morley’s theorem, Erd?s-Mordell theorem, circles, central and inscribed angles, cyclic quadrilaterals, Simson line, nine point circle, lines and planes in space.
The course aims to introduce the student to the programs and packages used in drawing and the methods used to design computer drawing programs through studying the basic principles of software and physical equipment used in computer drawing, such as vectors and drawing systems, definition of line drawing and circle windows and shear operations, and various transformations in two-dimensional and shading and drawing polygons And hidden lines.
Vector spaces; subspaces; quotient spaces; linear independence and bases; dual spaces; inner product spaces; orthonormal bases; linear transformations; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and determinants of linear transformations; matrix representation; change of basis and similarity; invariant subspaces; canonical forms of linear transformations; diagonal form; triangular form; nilpotent transformations; Jordan form; companion matrices; commutators; the trace functional and Jacobson’s lemma; normal transformations and the spectral theorem.
Describing statistical data by tables, graphs and numerical measures, Chebychev’s inequality and the empirical rule, counting methods, combinations, permutations, elements of probability and random variables, the binomial, the Poisson, and the normal distributions, sampling distributions, elements of testing hypotheses, statistical inference about one and two populations parameters.
Describe the characteristic, structure and function of living cells include cell metabolism, photosynthesis, genetic and cell division and gene expression
Complex numbers: geometric interpretation, polar form, exponential form: powers and roots; regions in the complex plane; analytic functions; functions of complex variables: exponential and logarithmic functions ; trigonometric and hyperbolic functions; definite integrals; Cauchy theorem; Cauchy integral formula; Series; convergence of sequence and series, Taylor series; Laurrent series; uniform convergence; integration and differentiation of power series, zeros of analytic functions; singularity ; principle part; residues; poles; residue theorem of a function; residues at poles; evaluation of improper integrals; integration through a branch cut.
Probability space , group coupling, measurement theory, Holder's divergence, breakdown of distribution coupling, general definition of mathematical expectation, independence, conditionality, asymmetric as expected, large number theory. Multivariate central ending theory, inverse formulas. Probability vacuum, group coupling, measurement theory, holder's divergence, breakdown of distribution coupling, general definition of mathematical expectation, independence, conditionality, asymmetric as expected, large number theory. Multivariate central ending theory, inverse formulas. Probability vacuum, group coupling, measurement theory, holder's divergence, breakdown of distribution coupling, general definition of mathematical expectation, independence, conditionality, asymmetric as expected, large number theory. Multivariate central ending theory, inverse formulas.
Descriptive techniques; types of variations: trend, cycle and seasonal fluctuations, autocorrelation; probability models for time series; stationary processes; autocorrelation function; estimation in time domain; fitting an autoregressive process; fitting a moving average process; forecasting; box and Jenkin`s methods; stationary processes in the frequency domain; spectral analysis.
Vector differential calculus: gradient, divergence, curl, curvilinear coordinates; vector integral calculus: line integral, surface integral volume integral, Green’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem, divergence theorem; implicit and inverse function theorems; Leibnitz theorem; calculus of variations (functionals of one variable).
Inner product space, Holder Inequality, Mincosky Inequality, Guines Inequality, Linear space, Banch Space, Helbert Space..
Mathematical modeling through algebra, finding the radius of the earth, Motion of planets, Motions of satellites. Linear and Non-linear growth and decay models, Population growth models. Effects of Immigration and Emigration on Population size, decrease of temperature, Diffusion, Change of price of a commodity, Logistic law of population growth. A simple compartment models. Diffusion of glucose or a Medicine in the bloodstream. Mathematical modeling of epidemics, A simple epidemics model. Mathematical modeling in economics. Mathematical modeling in medicine Mathematical modeling through partial differential equations: Mass-balance Equations, Momentum-balance Equations, Variation principles, Probability generating function, modeling for traffic on a highway. Stochastic models of population growth Need for stochastic models, Linear birth-death-immigration-emigration processes, linear birth-death process, Linear birth-death-immigration process, linear birth-death-emigration process, Non-linear birth-death process.
Conducting experiments like how to use the microscope. studying different type of cells (prokaryote and eukaryote) structure and function including cell diffusion, organic compounds and enzymes
Systems of linear equations; matrices and matrix operations; homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems; Gaussian elimination; elementary matrices and a method for finding A -1 ; determinants; Euclidean vector spaces; linear transformations from R n to R m and their properties; general vector spaces; subspaces; basis; dimension; row space; column space; null space of a matrix; rank and nullity; inner product spaces; eigenvalues and diagonalization; linear transformations.
A lecture given by the student deals with a topic chosen in depth in mathematical science and aims to train the student to use scientific references and practice scientific discussion.
Experiments on Galvanometer and its uses, Ohm's law, electric field, electric potential , capacitor, Wheatstone bridge, potentiometer, electromotive force, Kirchoff''s laws.
Solutions of differential equations (first order, second order, and higher orders) with applications to mechanics and physics, series solutions, Laplace transform method.
mathematical modeling; using some software packages in mathematics and statistics; NETLIB, NAG, Derive, Mathematica, MATLAB, BLAS, Maple, MathCAD, SPSS, Minitab.
This course will cover the fundamental concepts of Graph Theory: simple graphs, digraphs, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, trees, matchings, networks, paths and cycles, graph colorings, and planar graphs. Famous problems in Graph Theory include: Minimum Connector Problem (building roads at minimum cost), the Marriage Problem (matching men and women into compatible pairs), the Assignment Problem (filling n jobs in the best way), the Network Flow Problem (maximizing flow in a network), the Committee Scheduling Problem (using the fewest time slots), the Four Color Problem (coloring maps with four colors so that adjacent regions have different colors), and the Traveling Salesman Problem (visiting n cities with minimum cost).
Ring homomorphisms; polynomial rings; factorization of polynomials; reducibility and irreducibility tests; divisibility in integral domains; principal ideal domains and unique factorization domains; algebraic extension of fields; introduction to Galois theory.
Introduction to Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Introduction to LISP Language, Research Strategy, Game Theory, Knowledge Representation, The Relationship between Biological, Statistical, and Logical Terms, Basic Methods of Experimental Research, Evidence Theory, Adaptation, Applications of Artificial Intelligence in: Vision, Language, Planning, Systems The expert. An introduction to expert systems and grammar, an introduction to: vision and neurological language processing, machine translation, machine learning, and neural networks.
Algorithm analysis methods, design and evaluation of algorithms related to sorting, research, diagrams and tree structures, dynamic programming, regression algorithms, NP-Complete. Problems.
Elements of sequential analysis, ratio test, successive hypothesis test, sample numbers and media, practical descriptive pairing, efficacy, sequence estimation variants, two-stage Stein preview
Quality management philosophies, continuous development strategies, engineering and numerical methods for data analysis, process control, control tables procedures, acceptance inspection, and general mapped designs.
Systems of Linear ordinary differential equations homogeneous and nonhomogeneuos; Stability of linear and nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations. Lyapunov function. Peiodic solutions and their stablities.
Evolution of some mathematical concepts, facts and algorithms in arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, Euclidean geometry, analytic geometry and calculus through early civilizations, Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Indians, Chinese, Muslims and Europeans, evolution of solutions of some conjectures and open problems.