Bachelor of Artificial Intelligene

  • About

    Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly. In almost all areas of our ‎daily lives, we have points of contact with artificial intelligence. Autonomous ‎driving or voice support is currently the most popular application field. And AI is ‎not just limited to this but is also used in other industries, such as medical ‎research, nursing, climate protection, and production - to name a few. There are ‎many fields of artificial intelligence and its applications.‎

    Due to the increasing need for qualified specialists and managers in this large ‎field, all over the world. For this reason, Palestine Technical University offered a ‎bachelors degree in artificial intelligence in line with this need and the ‎universitys keenness to provide the local community with qualified cadres with ‎the latest international technologies. With the aim of opening work prospects for ‎its students locally and globally‏.‏

    The vision of the artificial intelligence program is to provide graduates with the ‎necessary skills and knowledge to solve various problems related to artificial ‎intelligence, and to prepare graduates who are able to apply artificial intelligence ‎methods and tools in various areas of life, such as computer vision. , natural ‎language processing, building automated prediction systems, controlling robots, ‎etc. In addition to promoting a culture of continuous learning, the capacity for ‎self-development, moral awareness, and social responsibility among graduates ensures that they are well prepared to face the ethical and social challenges ‎associated with the rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence.‎

    Our mission is to educate and prepare students to become leaders in the field of ‎artificial intelligence. We aim to provide our students with a solid foundation in ‎the theory and practice of artificial intelligence, as well as hands-on experience ‎with the latest technologies. We are committed to creating a supportive and ‎diverse learning community with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a ‎rapidly changing world and make a positive contribution to society‏.‏

    The growing impact of artificial intelligence on the global economy is giving ‎Palestinian students the opportunity to contribute the economic growth. These ‎students can also address social issues such as health, poverty, education, ‎agriculture, and infrastructure using AI-based solutions. Artificial intelligence ‎collaboration with international experts can lead to innovative projects. ‎Equipping Palestinian students with knowledge about artificial intelligence ‎increases their competitiveness in the labor market and stimulates innovation and ‎critical thinking. A proposed specialized artificial intelligence program for ‎Palestine Technical University is in line with its mission and could create ‎opportunities for software development professionals.

    This program addresses the ‎need for more Bachelor of Education graduates in Palestine while encouraging ‎innovation and economic development. Examples of the use of artificial ‎intelligence in Palestine‏:‏
    • Healthcare: Artificial intelligence helps doctors in the healthcare sector ‎diagnose cases and improve patient outcomes.‎
    • Poverty reduction: AI-led initiatives such as the Palestinian Technology ‎Park promote innovation, job creation, and economic development.‎
    • Education: Organizations like GGateway are using artificial intelligence to ‎bridge education gaps with online resources.‎
    • Agriculture: Supporting smart agriculture initiatives such as (LCCSAT) ‎that improve farming efficiency, reduce crop losses and address climate ‎change through artificial intelligence.‎
    • Infrastructure and Energy: The Palestinian Energy Authority's AI ‎applications improve energy management and grid optimization.‎
    • Global collaboration: The study of artificial intelligence allows Palestinian ‎students to collaborate with international experts, leading to collaborative ‎projects and exciting discoveries.‎
    • Competitiveness: AI effectiveness increases labor market competitiveness ‎among Palestinian students and prepares them for success in a variety of ‎sectors.‎
    • Fostering Innovation: Education in artificial intelligence fosters ‎innovation, creativity, and critical thinking, which contributes to economic ‎growth.‎
    • Program needs: Statistics published by the Ministry of Education ‎highlight the increase in the number of graduates with bachelor's degrees in ‎traditional disciplines and the need to provide new specializations that meet ‎the needs of the local and international market in the coming years.‎
    • Specialized Artificial Intelligence Program: The Artificial Intelligence ‎program is compatible with the mission of Palestine Technical University in ‎terms of creating special opportunities for students.‎

  • Objectives and Outcomes

    Companies seek to hire graduates who can quickly and effectively implement ‎technology and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into information systems ‎and real-world business applications.‎
    In order to be able to transform the possibilities of artificial intelligence into ‎effective practice, the student acquires through this specialization a ‎comprehensive basic knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence and also ‎acquires basic skills in the field of software and mathematical engineering, as well ‎as knowledge in the design of various artificial intelligence systems and of using ‎his tools. In this regard, the program places special emphasis on the mathematical ‎concepts necessary to apply various approaches to artificial intelligence in ‎practice.‎
    Over the course of four academic years, students acquire relevant professional ‎competencies in computer science, mathematics, and artificial intelligence, in ‎addition to the communication skills a professional in this field must possess. In ‎addition, the student learns to handle artificial intelligence responsibly. They have ‎the right to learn about what artificial intelligence is and what it is not allowed to ‎do, as well as the ethical principles that must be followed when working in this ‎field.‎

    Below are the most important specialization results:‎
    • Graduates who are well-trained in the principles and algorithms of artificial ‎intelligence and are able to design and improve artificial intelligence ‎systems.‎
    • Graduates have the potential to contribute to the development of ‎innovative artificial intelligence applications such as natural language ‎processing, computer vision, and robotics.‎
    • Graduates work in research groups where the "Artificial Intelligence" ‎specialty directs students to scientific research and development of new ‎models of artificial intelligence.‎
    • The ability of "Artificial Intelligence" graduates to disseminate ethical ‎methods of artificial intelligence that take into account the impact of these ‎technologies on society.‎
    • Graduates have the ability to integrate artificial intelligence technologies ‎into various industries and improve efficiency and decision-making.‎
    • Graduates are capable of innovation by solving complex problems using ‎the capabilities of artificial intelligence.‎
    • Graduates develop autonomous systems and change industries.‎
    • Postgraduate students in the field of artificial intelligence have the ability to ‎analyze data and provide information based on this data to various ‎institutions and organizations.‎
    • Graduates can contribute to AI policy and governance to ensure its ‎responsible use.‎
    • Strengthening the artificial intelligence community through the ‎participation of graduates in the activities of scientific and professional ‎conferences working in this field‏.‏

  • Career Opportunities

    • AI Developer.‎
    • AI Product Manager.‎
    • Smart systems designer.‎
    • Computer vision engineer.‎
    • Natural language engineer.‎
    • Robotics developer.‎
    • Machine learning specialist.‎
    • Information Analyst / Data Scientist.‎
    • Business intelligence specialist.‎
    • Technical advisor.‎
    • Software and website developer.‎
    • AI Researcher.‎
    • software engineer.‎
    • AI trainers.‎
    • Virtual reality systems programmer.‎

  • Campus

      • Tulkarem.