Palestine Technical University Kadoorie seeks, through the Diploma in Marketing and E-commerce, to be the first specialization of its kind in the field of e-marketing and e-commerce in the region, as expectations indicate that the market needs such specialization is great, especially if we know that sales using the Internet in Business and consumer-oriented businesses reach trillions of dollars worldwide annually.
The marketing and e-commerce program opens up new job opportunities for Palestinian youth after saturating the market with tens of thousands of unemployed graduates. Because this program will open new horizons for them at the local level, and allow them to transcend narrow geographical borders to enter the global commercial markets.
The program qualifies its graduates with specifications that improve their chances in local, regional, and international competition by providing them with theoretical and practical electronic commercial and marketing skills, and through the use of the latest computer programs, the cluster network, social networks, modern electronic technologies and applications, and the improvement and development of their foreign commercial language.
• Prepare qualified and specialized cadres in the various fields of marketing and e-commerce and its applications.
• Equip graduates with the commercial and marketing skills and knowledge necessary to enter the field of marketing and e-commerce.
• Equip graduates with skills in e-business.
• Enhance the graduates' abilities to deal with programs and websites that are related to the e-marketing process and international business.
• Refine the practical business and electronic skills of the graduates through field training.
• Meet the growing need of the local and regional market for skilled graduates in the field of marketing and e-commerce.
• Marketing in the commercial industrial and international fields.
• Retail trade sales management and customer service.
• Public relations.
• Brand management and commercial communications.
• Internet Marketing Specialist.
• Marketing Manager or Sales Promotion Manager.
• Trade manager or trade database manager.
• Business Development Manager.