Master of Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness

  • About

    This MSc Program is designed for those who wish to move into entrepreneurship in agribusiness either in their current technical and business field or into a new area of expertise.
    The courses provide ways to analyze and manage current and future entrepreneurship in agribusiness trends and their impact on organization and agribusiness. Best practices for recruiting developing and retaining top talent. Refined decision-making techniques utilizing frameworks and real entrepreneur business scenarios broadening perspectives and enhancing capabilities for application to organizational situations. Evaluate the market conditions and identify ways to positively impact your position in entrepreneur models in agriculture—evidence-based perspectives models and concepts to analyze current entrepreneurial issues and improve them.
    Anticipate plan for and execute organizational change with proven strategic planning techniques. Strategies to counter changes in agricultural life cycles and global business operations. Differences in strategic and tactical entrepreneur planning. Different types of entrepreneurship production process technical non-technical marketing initiation disruptive interventions impact practical entrepreneurship. Differences between entrepreneurship in agribusiness and developing motivating inspiring and sustaining effective teams to drive entrepreneurial success.
    Program vision also revolves around being proactive in a leading stage providing business training research and development skills and consultancy with different institutes in local private regional and international markets.
    The program's mission is to engage postgraduate students in the world of entrepreneurship in agribusiness increase their creativity and enhance their ability to bring new ideas to life. The MSc in entrepreneurship in agribusiness program supports the development of young and ambitious students towards contributing innovative solutions to the agricultural business and finding creative solutions to the social challenges faced by societies.

  • Objectives and Outcomes

    This program aims to equip you with the concepts tools and techniques for practical entrepreneurship within a business and organization context. It is also intended to build self-knowledge regarding innovative and entrepreneurial styles in agriculture and provide for practice opportunities.
    The program begins with the foundation of entrepreneurship in agribusiness proceeds through entrepreneurship technology transfer and adaptation covers the vital topic of entrepreneurial mind in agriculture firms. It closes with the stakeholder communication and change management components of entrepreneur projects in organizations.
    The program seeks to provide leadership in the pursuit of entrepreneurship in agribusiness knowledge and applications through relevant and enriching teaching research consultancy and partnership with the broader community either locally or internationally.
    Learning Outcomes
    On completing the program the student will be able to:
    • Recognize and explain entrepreneurship in agribusiness and implications of business and projects in terms of entrepreneur strategy socioeconomic and thinking methods.
    • Apply entrepreneurship in agribusiness modeling within the project throughout the business development cycle.
    • Identify and explain the major principles of ethics in entrepreneurship in agribusiness within innovative and creative teams.
    • Describe illustrate and apply tools and techniques for building and nurturing an entrepreneurial team.
    • Identify and explain entrepreneurial success factors which help achieve agribusiness and team success.
    • Analyze stakeholders and prepare an appropriate stakeholder map about the agribusiness
    • Ability to create feasibility study business and market plan and entrepreneur agricultural risk management strategy.

  • Career Opportunities

    Practical entrepreneurship in management makes a significant difference in today's organizations by inspiring people to perform and improve results. Entrepreneurship in agribusiness skills is highly valued in all sorts of organizations. This program will develop the ability to provide strategic direction to achieve essential goals within the organization. It can also enhance your career prospects and act as a springboard to other dynamic and rewarding managerial roles.

    Career Opportunities for Graduates
    • Farm manager.
    • School teachers.
    • University instructors.
    • Business and enterprises.
    • Research centers.
    • Consulting firms.
    • Private sector.
    • Pursuing their doctoral in related fields.

  • Campus

      • Tulkarem.