About Students Affairs Deanship

About Students Affairs Deanship

  • Vision

    Provide excellent services for the students and develop their abilities.

  • Mission

    To provide a stimulating and attractive university environment that endorses students talents.

  • Objectives

    ‎•‎ Cement active citizenship.
    ‎•‎ Connect with the university's alumni. ‎
    ‎•‎ Create a healthy learning environment and campus life to help students develop their ‎‎personalities and skills. ‎
    ‎•‎ Identify the counseling needs of students and provide them with psychosocial counseling ‎services. ‎
    ‎•‎ Supervise extracurricular student activities and support them.‎
    ‎•‎ ‎Develop a culture of respect and create a culture of leadership.‎
    ‎•‎ Provide loans and grants to university students. ‎

  • Message from the Dean

    The Deanship of Student Affairs is the main line of communication between students and the University.
    The deanship is dedicated to providing the students with all the resources and support they need during their time at the University including a safe and stimulating learning environment that is equipped with the necessary supportive social and environmental qualities that will contribute to their self-development and help them become leaders in their degree programs.
    The Deanship also aims to connect students to the University’s various units and to their local community in an effort to deepen their sense of responsibility and respect for excellence that will lead them to future success. Please contact our offices if you have any inquiries or suggestions.