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PTUK Concludes Participation in Anti-Apartheid Conference
  • Monday, 20-05-2024

PTUK Concludes Participation in Anti-Apartheid Conference

Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie recently concluded its participation in the global conference against Israeli apartheid in Palestine, hosted by South Africa from May 10 to 12, 2024.

The participation was represented by Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Alaa Issa and Student and Community Affairs Officer Mr. Wasim Abu Shams.
The conference, titled "The First Global Conference Against Global Apartheid: A Conference on Palestine," gathered about 300 participants from around the world.

A statement signed by delegates from over twenty countries called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire to end the genocide in Gaza, lift the blockade, withdraw Israeli forces, and end settler terrorism. The statement also pledged to eradicate all forms of colonialism, neo-colonialism, apartheid, and discrimination.

During the conference, university representatives held meetings with global university activists to discuss the challenges facing the education sector in Palestine, including destruction in Gaza and violations against Palestinian universities in the West Bank and Jerusalem. They also explored enhancing student exchange programs.

The visit concluded with a meeting at the Palestinian Embassy in South Africa with Ambassador Hanan Jarrar. University representatives briefed her on their plans and discussed potential collaborations with international universities and organizations.