Course Description - Bachelor of Agricultural Biotechnology

  • 15200101: Palestinian Issue [3 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with the events of the Palestinian issue through the most important ages from the Canaanites until the year 2021. It focuses on the Islamic conquest of Palestine in the year 15 AH 636 AD, the Crusader torch from 1099 to the liberation of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi of Palestine in 1187, and it talks about the Ottomans in Palestine from 1516 to 1917. The course is concerned with the Palestinian issue during the British occupation in 1917, until the Nakba in 1948, and the establishment of the occupation state .It deals with the Palestinian resistance and revolutions during 100 years, and Arab-Israeli wars from 1948 to 2021.The course talks about Palestinian Liberation Organization, Palestinian resistance movements and parties, Palestinian Authority and the peace negotiations projects since the 1978 Camp David Accords until 2021.The course talks about attempts to Judaism Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque since the Palestinian setback in 1967 until 2021, and the issue of Palestinian refugees since 1948. It also anticipates the future of the Palestinian issue.

  • 13020020: Anti-Corruption [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020025: Agriculture in Palestine [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020027: Health Culture [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16000101: Botany [3 Credit Hours]

    Plant Cell and Plant Tissue, Plant Composition Anatomy and Functions of Plant Organs (Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower,Fruit, and Seed) Plant and Energy, Plant Nutrition and Food Transfer, Plant Classification and Plant Environment.

  • 16000103: Principles of Plant Protection [3 Credit Hours]

    This course covers the most important groups of agricultural pests and their economic importance and appropriate methods to protect agricultural crops from pests with emphasis on the importance of protecting the environment and reducing pollution.

  • 16000104: Principles of Soil Science [3 Credit Hours]

    Development of soil concept and importance. The process and soil-forming factors roles in soil profile development. The physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil. Soil-water relations. The soil water management practices. The role of organic matter in developing the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Classification and characteristics of soil minerals.

  • 16000105: Principles of Agricultural Economics [3 Credit Hours]

    Economic principles, which include the relationship of inputs to output and the relationship of inputs to outputs. The study of productive functions and production laws and the study of costs. This article also deals with the status of agriculture in the economic structure and the characteristics of the work in agriculture

  • 16050211: Biochemistry [3 Credit Hours]

    This course involves the study of the molecular composition of living cells (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, DNA and RNA), the organization of biological molecules within the cell, and the structure and function of these biological molecules. Laboratory wok will be carried out to explain the methods for identifying the living molecules, and testing some of the living organ.

  • 16050412: Green House Technology [3 Credit Hours]

    Study of types of protection (greenhouses, greenhouses, plastic tunnels), design of components, installation and maintenance of these types, methods of control of environmental factors inside the greenhouses (ventilation, relative humidity, heating and cooling means, lighting and carbon dioxide and others), various agricultural processes Its effect is to increase production and improve the quality of horticultural crops grown using advanced scientific methods, irrigation and fertilization management, weed and pest control and selected topics in protected agriculture management. The student will also learn through the practical part of the course and by 3 hours each week on the most important types of protection used in Palestine and the methods used in its management

  • 16050122: Organic Chemistry Lab. for Agricultural Students [1 Credit Hours]

    This course includes experiments related to the use of physical methods and techniques in the initial identification of organic materials and means of separation and purification such as fusion, distillation, extraction, solubility and crystallization, as well as the synthesis of some simple organic compounds and to identify some of its properties in accordance with the content of organic chemistry

  • 16020410: Seed Production [3 Credit Hours]

    Fundamentals of seed production, seed preparation and processing, quality control and distribution, seed collection and storage, factors affecting seed quality, as well as the study of modern methods of seed production of important horticultural crops in Palestine. .

  • 16020417: Agricultural Machinery [3 Credit Hours]

    Introduction to farm mechanization and farm power sources, engine types and parts, engine heat cycle, tractor parts - land preparation machines for agriculture, farming machinery, growing crop servicing machines, harvesting and harvesting machines, operation and maintenance of agricultural mechanization units.

  • 16020424: Forestry Science [3 Credit Hours]

    To study the natural forests in terms of benefits, composition and environment, to identify the most important forest trees in Palestine and the problems facing forests in Palestine, also to study forests in terms of establishment, growth and care.

  • 13010006: Computer Skills and Applications [1 Credit Hours]

  • 13020009: Islam and Contemporary Issues [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020011: Contemporary Problems [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020023: Astronomy [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020030: Individual and Society [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020032: Economy in the Third World [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020033: Child Rearing and Family Upbringing [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16000201: Microbiology [3 Credit Hours]

    The course will cover history and scope of microbiology: prokaryotes cell structure and function, metabolism, and nutrition, microbial growth, requirements for growth, environmental factors affecting growth, effect of antimicrobial agents on growth, microbial genetics and gene cloning, bacterial and microbial taxonomy, major groups of bacteria, microorganisms and environment, immune response and antigen-antibody reaction in vitro.

  • 16050121: Oraganic Chemistry for Agricultural Students [3 Credit Hours]

    Nomenclature of organic compounds, hydrocarbons, compounds, classification of hydrocarbons, methods of preparation and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkanes, aromatic compounds, their physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions and their economic significance

  • 16050316: Bioinformatics [3 Credit Hours]

    This course aims to give the student the basics in databases and programs used in the analysis of biological information related to DNA, RNA and proteins, processing and analysis of biological information available in biological databases using special software to analyze the sequences of genetic material and proteins and the use of search engine (BLAST) to know the relationship between The different biological chains are compared with those in databases, as well as the application of the tree of evolution to study the relationship between living organisms.

  • 16050321: Vegetables Production [3 Credit Hours]

    Study of the economic and nutritional importance of vegetables Production and cultivation of the most important vegetable crops, the appropriate environmental conditions, the different agricultural processes, the modern trends in vegetable cultivation, protected agriculture and agriculture in open ground for vegetables, agricultural cycle and overlapping agriculture, harvesting, storage and marketing, the study of the most important vegetable crops in Palestine

  • 16050325: Genetic Engineering [3 Credit Hours]

    This course will examine the different inheritance mechanisms of genetic traits, the identification of sex in different organisms, and the basic principles of genetics. Different methods of gene transfer as well as mobile genes. Genetic cloning and genetic engineering techniques. This course includes topics and concepts of hybrid DNA technology and genetic engineering such as: DNA extraction, DNA concentration assessment, plasmid preparation, and DNA breakdown by cutting enzymes: electrophoresis techniques, DNA maps, and DNA replication. Gene transfer to bacteria, DNA transfer on a membrane, PCR to multiply chunks of DNA RAPD (random random replication of DNA) and how to identify mutations and expression process, protein industry

  • 16050423: Landraces Conservation & Gene Banks [3 Credit Hours]

    This course covers methods of collection, assessment, conservation and use of plant genetic resources. Strategies for plant conservation in genebanks or in their natural hosts will be examined. The student will, through the practical part of the course and by 3 hours each week to apply the theoretical part of this course in practice

  • 16010310: Fertilizers and Soil Fertility [3 Credit Hours]

    Soil chemical and physical properties as related to soil fertility. Plant nutrients and their classification, functions, reactions, and availability in the soil. Movement and absorption of plant nutrients. Fertilizers classification, types and application methods. Soil fertility evaluation and fertilizers recommendations.

  • 16020406: Agricultural Marketing [3 Credit Hours]

    Basic concepts of agricultural marketing, basic objectives of agricultural marketing, research methods in agricultural marketing studies, marketing functions and services, the study of markets, types and functions, the study of intermediaries and marketing channels, estimating costs and marketing margins, measuring marketing efficiency, analysis of storage problems

  • 16050428: Biosecurity and Genetic Engineering Ethics [3 Credit Hours]

    This course deals with ethical aspects in the application of biotechnology and genetic circulation of different organisms. The course also discusses the advantages, disadvantages and risks of using this technology and the extent of understanding and acceptance by society. The course also gives an idea of the rules of biosafety in the trading of genetically engineered products and methods of filing patents and intellectual property rights at the national and international levels

  • 15200099: Pre-English [3 Credit Hours]

    Remedial English: The course is a compulsory service course offered for first year students. It is a prerequisite for E1 and it focuses mainly on the language learning skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course is intended to equip the students with basic skills necessary for successful communication in both oral and written forms of the language. In addition to grammar and how to use vocabulary in a meaningful context.

  • 13020003: German Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020007: English language III [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020008: Physical Culture [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020015: International Relations [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020019: Democracy and Elections [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020028: My Career I [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020031: Contemporary Global Issues [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020035: Professional Communication Skills [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020036: Software Applications [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16000202: Agricultural Statistics [3 Credit Hours]

    Data description and organization by the graphical, numerical, vertical base, dispersion measures, probability theory, random variables, probability distributions, natural distribution, and statistical inference from large and small samples.

  • 16050221: Plant Biotechnology [3 Credit Hours]

    This course aims to study the methods of using recombinant DNA and molecular cloning techniques to improve plant production and protect the plant from diseases and environmental factors, in addition to increasing production quantities and using genetically modified plants in the techniques of purifying the environment from chemical pollutants. The desired genes are transported through live vectors if not live to plants and then gene expression and how to detect it in modified plants

  • 16050312: Plant Tissue Culture Techniques [3 Credit Hours]

    This course covers the techniques and methods of micro-propagation of plants through tissue and organ transplantation. It also examines the factors affecting the success of these techniques. In addition, the practical part of the course contains a full range of practical applications in the field of plant tissue culture and includes the identification of devices used in tissue culture, processing of food medium, and sterilization methods

  • 16050315: Postharvest Transactions [3 Credit Hours]

    This course aims at introducing students to modern methods of harvesting, packing, unloading and cleaning of agricultural products, as well as modern storage methods and transport operations. The student is also familiar with the chemical and physical processes and changes on fruits and vegetables from harvest time to arrival to the consumer

  • 16050413: Integrated Pest Management [3 Credit Hours]

    This course covers the principles of integrated pest management. Environmental and economic concepts and principles of control, and ways and means by which: agricultural methods, biological, rationalization in the use of pesticides. Understand the variables that control the pest population and the proper ways to estimate the pest population and develop the appropriate plans to control it. This course also contains 3 laboratory hours each week dealing with the application of the theoretical part of this course in practice

  • 16050425: Graduation Project [3 Credit Hours]

    This course involves conducting a research project on a specific scientific topic in the field of specialization and then writing a thesis on its results and discussing it before a group of professors as residents (graduation research)

  • 16050427: Biotecnology and Genetic Breeding [3 Credit Hours]

    A general introduction to traditional genetic improvement methods (hybridization - mutations), non-conventional methods (biotechnological methods) for genetic improvement, genetic variation through tissue culture and genetic engineering, monoculture and gamete genetic variants, somatic genetic variations, cellular integration, somatic hybridization and reproduction, Rescue embryos and hybrids, production of disease-free plants, micropropagation, genetic preservation, genetic transformation and GMO production, field and genetic assessment of tissue culture strains and genetically modified organisms; Dictated plants genetically engineered

  • 15200102: Arabic Language [3 Credit Hours]

    The course aims to develop the students’ cognitive abilities and communication skills in Arabic language by introducing Arabic dictionaries, spelling and grammatical errors, and familiarizing them with ancient and modern Arabic literary models including models from the Holy Qur’an.

  • 15200104: Social Services [1 Credit Hours]

    Students perform voluntary work such as donating blood, repairing homes, tourist trails, or holding educational workshops at the university, and the student is committed to training or working for 40 hours.

  • 13010007: Communication Skills [1 Credit Hours]

  • 13020004: Russian Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020021: History of Science Among the Arabs [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020024: Environmental Culture [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020034: Introduction to Automotive Engineering [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16050113: General Chemistry for Agricultural Students [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the basic theoretical rules related to scientific methods of measurement, chemical calculations, periodic table, electronic structure, chemical bonds, thermochemistry, chemical reactions, gaseous state, matter states, properties of solutions, acids, bases and equilibrium of acids and bases in aqueous solutions.

  • 16050410: Genetically Modified Organisms [2 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with the study of the applications of cloning and the production of GMOs and their importance in the therapeutic field and improving and increasing production through the study of live examples of plants that have been genetically modified to increase their resistance to diseases, drought, and others.The course also touches on the ethical aspects and community view of these applications and the safety of consumption of GM foods

  • 16050411: Training in Plant Biotechnology [2 Credit Hours]

    Training students on animal techniques used to improve plant production by contributing to the implementation of research projects seeking to develop local agricultural plants and crops, in cooperation with private and public agricultural research centers during the summer holidays by at least two months to conclude by preparing a report on what has been achieved and discussed before the students Through the competent teaching staff

  • 16000106: ٍStatus of Agric. in Palestine [3 Credit Hours]

    The development of agriculture and its importance globally and regionally and focusing on it locality. It includes agricultural climate, production elements, plant production in irrigated and rainfed areas, animal production, product marketing, agricultural mechanization, institutions working in agriculture, problems of agriculture in the region, and advanced and modern agricultural projects.

  • 16020202: Deciduous Fruit Trees Production [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the study of the classification of deciduous fruit trees according to climate and environmental factors, environmental factors affecting their cultivation, propagation of deciduous fruit trees and selection of root stocks. Establishment and planning of deciduous fruit orchards, water and fertilizer requirements for deciduous fruit trees, modern systems in agriculture and breeding, study of the production and cultivation of the main deciduous fruit trees in Palestine (grapes, almonds, etc.).

  • 16020203: Agricultural Extension [3 Credit Hours]

    Describe the meaning, importance, and goals of agricultural extension. Roles of extension agents, communications, building and evaluation of extension programs, extension tools and channels, extension methods. This course put students in front of rural families and farmers condition as well as understanding their environmental and institutional conditions.

  • 16020402: Harvesting and Handling of Agricultural Commodities [3 Credit Hours]

    This course will give a general understanding of many aspects of pre- and post-harvest technology and biology for the agricultural commodities, including nutritional values, internal and external factors determining the quality and post-harvest performance, quality parameters. Also, the chain from field to table will be studies.

  • 15200106: ُEnglish (1) [3 Credit Hours]

    English 1 is a theoretical, 3-credit hour university requisite, and a general English Course which is designed to serve all BA and BSc Students of (PTUK) in all faculties. This course aims at developing students’ repertoire of the English language main skills as well as sub-skills through providing them with broad varieties of language patterns, grammatical and structural rules, and vocabulary items that can enable them to communicate meaningfully within ordinary and real-life contexts and situations. This course is also oriented towards equipping students with the skills they need to comprehend texts, contexts, and situations that are related to ordinary and real-life topics. Throughout this course, students will be exposed to a wide and various aural inputs in order to broaden and deepen their skills in listening, judgment, and critical thinking. Students of this course are expected to acquire and practice the skills they need to maximize their capabilities to express opinions about ordinary and real life topics both orally and in a written format, which will help in widening the students’ academic horizon.

  • 15200107: Islamic Studies [3 Credit Hours]

  • 13020002: French Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020010: Islamic Econmic System [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020017: E-government Legal Framework [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020029: My Career II [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16000102: Principles of Plant Production [3 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with the general principles of plant production. Plant, various agricultural processes and means of production.

  • 16000109: Zoology and Animal Production [3 Credit Hours]

    This course aims to study the different types of animals in terms of classification and the degree of structural and functional relationship and taxonomy among them in addition to the study of the structure, characteristics and functions of animal tissues and functions of different body systems and how to organize and integrate their work, as this course deals with the second bases of general animal production, animal products Farm, meat, milk, eggs, cattle, sheep and poultry species and their breeds, physiological processes related to reproduction, milk production, digestion in farm animals. Adaptation of animals to environmental conditions and methods of feeding and caring for farm animals.

  • 16050212: Molecular Biology [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes a detailed study of the chemistry of nucleic acids, the nature of their multiplication, gene expression, the synthesis of proteins and changes to these proteins after the manufacturing process and methods of control. In addition, the study of modern topics in molecular biology at the genetic level in terms of function and mechanism of action, and practical applications, using techniques will be covered. Furthermore, this course covers the techniques of propagation, transcription, translation and repair of DNA, as well as the study of genetic mutations.

  • 16050223: Genetics [3 Credit Hours]

    This course explores the study of genetics and organism, the laws of plant genetics and changes in the number of chromosomes and their impact on the plant (the theory of chromosomes and heredity). To study how to produce varieties and the use of means of biotechnology and genetic engineering in plant breeding and resistance to stress conditions and improve the characteristics of resistance to various pests

  • 16050224: Cell Biology [3 Credit Hours]

    The aim of this course is to study the exact composition of animal, plant and bacterial cell types at the molecular level and to link them to the functions of each of their organelles, as well as the mechanism of binding and communication of cells in tissues and how they respond to external stimuli

  • 16050225: Techniques in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry [2 Credit Hours]

    Applications of various techniques used for multiple research in molecular biology, such as DNA isolation, DNA electrical migration, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and others. The student will learn through the practical part of the course and by 3 hours each week on how to do these application

  • 16050424: Seminar & Research Methods [2 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the preparation of a study on a specific scientific subject in the field of specialization and prepare it to give a group of students and discuss with professors and students. This course aims at equipping the student with the skills of scientific research, lecturing and scientific discussions

  • 16010206: Design of Irrigation and Drainage systems [3 Credit Hours]

    Irrigation water resources, hydraulics of wells, irrigation water quality, and salinity control. Water flow in pipelines and open canals, irrigation systems, and installations, the irrigation systems including surface water, sprinkler irrigation, and drip irrigation systems, programming and management of irrigation systems. Soil-water relationships and the basics of agricultural drainage.

  • 16010407: Economic Entomology [3 Credit Hours]

    This course deals with the identification of insects which cause economic damage to plants including a description of insects and their life cycle, and type of damage-control measures. It covers pests from the following orders: homoptera, hemiptera, thysanoptera, diptera, coleopteran, lepidoptera, hymenoptera.

  • 16010413: Fruit Trees Production [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the study of the division of fruit trees according to climate and environmental factors, environmental factors affecting their cultivation, propagation of fruit plants and selection of assets. Establishment and planning of fruit orchards, water and fertilizer requirements for fruit trees, modern systems in agriculture and breeding, the study of the production and cultivation of the main fruit crops in Palestine including nuts, apples, nuts, citrus, olives, bananas, grapes, figs, etc., covering the practical part.

  • 16020404: Floriculture & Landscape Gardening [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the study of the foundations and systems of design and coordination of various gardens, as well as the establishment of gardens and the use of different ornamental plants in the coordination of gardens, the study of the production of the most important ornamental crops used as cut flowers.

  • 15200112: English 2 [3 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to serve PTUK students in the faculties of Science and Engineering as well as the students of Educational Technology (ET); it offers a broad overview of the English language learning skills in reading, writing, speaking that will enable them to communicate meaningfully in scientific contexts and situations. It also offers a broad variety of scientific language grammatical patterns and vocabulary items that are needed to comprehend scientific contexts and trends. Throughout this course, students will be exposed to a variety of scientific topics, aural input in order to broaden and deepen their critical thinking skills and to help them express opinions about modern scientific topics and problems.

  • 13020005: Turkish Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020006: Italian Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020012: Islamic Civilization [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020014: Political Science [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020016: Law in Our Lives [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020018: The Palestinian Captive Movement [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020022: Library and Research Methods [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020026: Leadership and Creativity [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16050112: Genral Biology Lab for Agricultural students [1 Credit Hours]

    This course includes experiments on the properties of biological compounds, methods of detection, use of microscopy, preparation of samples, study of methods of transfer of materials through cell membranes in addition to the study of cell types and their composition.

  • 16050310: Entrepreneurship skills and private project development [2 Credit Hours]

    This course is an introductory course to entrepreneurship and creativity. Definition and challenges of entrepreneurship, creative thinking to do productive work projects, the link between creative ideas and available opportunities, feasibility studies, writing proposals, funding of projects, introduction of business profile, comparative measures of performance, analysis of business information, new opportunities, business objectives, evaluation of management and personnel, maintaining and strengthening existing business, overcoming weakness, operational plans, impact and management of change, and to link all these skills to agricultural biotechnology aspects.

  • 16050414: Smart Agriculture Systems [2 Credit Hours]

    This course aims to introduce students to the concept of smart farm and how to use modern technology in the field of sensitivities to increase and improve agricultural production by reducing waste in sources of water, fertilizers and agricultural areas in addition to providing crops with the needs of optimal growth through computer control over irrigation, fertilization, temperature and the amount of lighting

  • 16050421: Field Crops Production [3 Credit Hours]

    Study of cereal and legume crops in terms of economic importance, production areas, needs and suitable environmental conditions, nutritional value, methods of raising production efficiency under rainy and irrigated conditions, various agricultural operations of the most important field crops in Palestine. This course also contains 3 laboratory hours each week dealing with the classification of field crops, plant description of the most important field crops and includes root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds.

  • 16020414: Food Security & Climate Change [3 Credit Hours]

    Strategic elements of food security, food Security approach, nutrition policies and tools, integrated food plan, population reproduction laws, food budget, green revolution and food security, food aid, self-reliance, food security from an international perspective, Arab-Palestinian food security and poverty.

  • 16020425: Forage Crops [3 Credit Hours]

    Study of cereal and legume crops in terms of economic importance, production areas needs, and suitable environmental conditions, nutritional value, methods of raising production efficiency under rainy and irrigated conditions, various agricultural operations of the most important field crops in Palestine.

  • 16050417: Recent Trends in Mutations Induction [3 Credit Hours]

    The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with what mutations are generally and how they occur in plants. It also aims to be aware of the changes that may occur in the genetic character as a result of the impact of the mutation on genes or chromosomes. The course also aims to show how mutations occur and their types and the possibility of using them to improve the characteristics of plants as part of genetic improvement programs. In addition to estimating the mutagenic rates in different organisms, in addition to identifying the radioactive and natural chemical mutagens and their different effects on the genetic system

  • 16050314: Microbial Genetics [3 Credit Hours]

    This course aims to identify the basics of microbial genetics in terms of the structure and properties of the bacterial chromosome and plasmids, as well as the genetic material of viruses and related processes of multiplication, transcription, translation and how to control gene expression in addition to methods of preparing plasmids with genes of interest and cloning and inserted into host cells to produce proteins Reconstituted to serve different medical, environmental, agricultural and industrial purposes

  • 16050429: Plant Pathology [3 Credit Hours]

    Study of plant diseases in general and methods of occurrence and the relationship between the causative and host and the impact of environmental conditions on this relationship, the general characteristics of fungi, bacteria and viruses and how to diagnose and methods of reproduction and spread, methods of resistance as well as natural resistance in the plant, methods of fighting plant diseases. The student will also learn through the practical part of the course and by 3 hours each week on the most important plant diseases that characterize plants in Palestine in addition to various ways to resist

  • 13020001: Hebrew Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020013: History of Jerusalem [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16000205: Microbiology Lab [1 Credit Hours]

    The practical aspect includes training students to deal with microorganisms in terms of preparing food environments and how to plant them and isolate them and prepare microscopic slides in different ways to identify them.

  • 16050111: Genral Biology for Agricultural students [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes a study of the synthesis and properties of essential compounds in living organisms such as nucleic acids, proteins, fats and sugars. The course also deals with the study of energy transformations and show how cell division, cell organization, the basic components of the cell and the basic processes in the cell from transfer and feeding and others.

  • 16050114: General Chemistry Lab for Agricultural Students [1 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the following topics: identification of laboratory instruments and devices, measurement of physical properties of chemical compounds, study of some chemical reactions in quantitative and thermal terms, solubility of salts, detection of ions and calibration of acids and bases, determination of molecular weight of volatile liquids.

  • 16050213: Biodiversity [3 Credit Hours]

    This course will cover the diversity of plant and animal life. Study the classification systems of the kingdoms of living organisms and understand the basics of this classification. Study the organisms that perform photosynthesis, including bacteria, algae. To study the plant kingdom including various vascular and vascular groups (topless and seed-covered) by studying its general morphological and anatomical characteristics. It will also include studying the diversity in the animal kingdom and linking the different classification levels structurally, functionally and evolutionarily

  • 16010205: Plant Propagation & Nurseries [3 Credit Hours]

    This course deals with the basic techniques and practical skills for propagation of fruit trees, ornamental plants and vegetables. These propagation methods include sexual and vegetation of various types (cuttings, grafting and budding, layering, specialized structure and micro-propagation). The course also concentrates on using agricultural installations such as green houses, and other different agricultural environments for propagation purposes.

  • 16010304: Principles of Organic Agriculture [3 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to provide participants with the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for implementing and promoting organic agriculture activities and programs. While the main focus is for agricultural technicians, this course will clarify concepts and issues about organic agriculture as well as provide practical techniques and guidelines on implementing organic agriculture projects.

  • 16050426: Agricultural Biotecnology [3 Credit Hours]

    This course aims at introducing students to different strategies to withstand environmental stress. It also includes methods to identify the genes that control the adverse environmental conditions of different salinity, drought and heat and ways to isolate these genes, as well as techniques used to engineer plants that bear these adverse environmental factors

  • 16020307: Plant Genetics and Breeding [3 Credit Hours]

    Study the laws of plant genetics and changes in the number of chromosomes and their impact on the plant. The course also aims at introducing the student to the different methods of plant breeding and the production of varieties and the use of means of biotechnology and genetic engineering in plant breeding and resistance to stress conditions and improve the characteristics of resistance to various pests.

  • 16050311: Fruit Trees Production [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the study of the division of fruit trees according to climate and environmental factors, environmental factors affecting their cultivation, propagation of fruit plants and selection of assets. Establishment and planning of fruit orchards, water and fertilizer requirements for fruit trees, modern systems in agriculture and breeding, study of the production and cultivation of the main fruit crops in Palestine including nuts, apples, nuts, citrus, olives, bananas, grapes, figs, etc., covering the practical part

  • 16050405: Medicinal & Aromatic Plants [3 Credit Hours]

    The study of the production of medicinal and aromatic plants and their importance from the agricultural and therapeutic aspects, and the study of the cultivation and production of the most important medicinal and aromatic herbs, shrubs and medicinal and aromatic trees planted in Palestine in terms of agriculture, service operations, harvest methods and the most important of its effective materials as well as medical and aromatic uses of different plant families.

  • 16010406: Agricultural Pesticides Management [3 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with the definition of different agricultural pests and pesticides, methods of pest control, especially chemical methods, economic importance of pesticides, history of pesticides, types of pesticides, their composition and methods of use, registration of pesticides and registration laws, and problems arising from the use of pesticides.

  • 16020418: Irrigated Agriculture [3 Credit Hours]

    Study the basic principles of soil and water and their impact on crop productivity, modern irrigation methods, estimation of water and food needs under different conditions. Methods of developing irrigated agriculture and optimizing water use.

  • 16050416: Statistics for Agricultural Student [3 Credit Hours]

    This course covers the following topics: Introduction to Biostatistics, Organization and presentation of data, Frequency distributions, Graphical representation of frequency distributions, Central tendency measures, Dispersion measures, Probability and probability distributions, Sample theory, Statistical estimation, Hypothesis testing, Variance analysis, Kay test, Correlation and regression, and finally vital statistics