Course Description - PhD of Plant Pathology

  • 18010509: Advanced Plant Protection [3 Credit Hours]

    The course covers topic and provides strong foundation of best agricultural practices of protecting plant against pathogens. Disease dynamics related to management, exclusion and eradication of the diseases.

  • 18010101: Advanced Plant Pathology [3 Credit Hours]

    Advance information about plant pathogens to understand the mechanisms by which they infect plants. The diversity of plant pathogens will be covered. Environmental factors favor pathogens development. The course will introduce the student to monitoring and surveillance of plant pathogens.

  • 18010501: Diagnosis of Plant Diseases [3 Credit Hours]

    Identification techniques of plant diseases and their causes and development with emphasis on molecular identification of pathogens using PCR and Nucleic acid techniques.

  • 18010502: Seed Borne Diseases [3 Credit Hours]

    The aim of this course is to provide the students with deep knowledge about seed-transmitted diseases, their importance, effect on seed viability, seed anatomy in relation to pathogens, production of disease-free seedlings, the recent techniques for the detection of seed-borne diseases, and control methods.

  • 18010503: Bacterial Plant Diseases [3 Credit Hours]

    Bacteria as plant pathogens, with examination of the taxonomy, genetics, ecology, physiology, host-parasite interaction, and control of phytobacteria.

  • 18010512: Special Topics [3 Credit Hours]

    This course will cover topic not mentioned in the study plan. The course will be given in view of importance of the subject matter.

  • 18010505: Viral diseases [3 Credit Hours]

    Plant viruses as causal agents of plant diseases. Taxonomy, biological, chemical, and physiological properties; transmission; host-virus and vector-virus relationships; replication; molecular virology; detection, diagnosis; ecology, biosecurity.

  • 18010102: Molecular Plant Biology [3 Credit Hours]

    The course explains the dynamics of plant cells and the genomic regulations of plant cellular process. This course provides the knowledge needed for students to understand mechanisms of plant cells in response to pathogens and other stress factors at the molecular level.

  • 18010402: Seminar [1 Credit Hours]

    Students must submit a report, discussion and presentation in selected topic in plant pathology.

  • 18010506: Nematology [3 Credit Hours]

    General morphology, taxonomy and bionomics of nonparasitic and plant parasitic nematodes. Plant parasitic nematode assay techniques, subfamily identification, symptomology, pathogenicity and control.

  • 18010507: Insect diseases [3 Credit Hours]

    The course aims at studying the impact of pests on plant, their spread and toxicity of plant. It also covers host plant resistance to insect’s infestation and methods of control.

  • 18010401: Experimental Design [2 Credit Hours]

    The aim of this course is teaching the students how to plan, design and conduct the experiments efficiently. The student will learn also how to analyze the results and present them in scientific form.

  • 18010511: Stress Physiology [3 Credit Hours]

    Understand the physiological response of plants to stress factors such as pathogens and environmental factors.

  • 18010201: Molecular Plant Pathology [3 Credit Hours]

    Physiology of the interactions between plants and pathogens. Mechanisms by which pathogens infect plants and by which plants resist infection.

  • 18010508: Pesticides [3 Credit Hours]

    The course investigates the performance of pesticides in the field as well as the environment and their toxicology.

  • 18010202: Integrated Pest Management [3 Credit Hours]

    Modern theory and practices for management of insect pests and pathogens in plant production systems, emphasizing an ecologically-based, integrated approach. Basic concepts of pest management, decision-making, cost/benefit analysis, and risk/benefit analysis.

  • 18010301: Biological Control [3 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with use of biological control agents, their physiology, importance and limitation of their application. It also covers the methods of their production and use in agriculture.

  • 18010504: Mycology [3 Credit Hours]

    A systematic study of the fungi, with emphasis on taxonomy, nomenclature, comparative morphology and fungal biology including metabolism, metabolism ecology and reproductive processes.