The Educational Diploma program was launched in the academic year 2014/2015 in response to the demand of the national strategy for qualified school teachers in different specializations and at different levels.
The importance of the teaching profession was recognized in the development strategy at the national level. This implied that a special teacher training program needs to be designed and implemented with the aim of preparing teachers with the necessary skills required to raise the level of school education in the country. The Educational Diploma program came about to support this strategy and contribute to improving the general level of education in Palestine.
Students enrolled in the educational rehabilitation program are expected to be able to:
Acquire knowledge of learning content and teaching methods PCK
Acquire a deep understanding of learning content technology and teaching methods TPCK
Design activities based on group investigation.
Design learning content that leads to deep understanding.
Design research that contributes to improved classroom practice.
Plan and implement learner-centered learning.
Implement learner-centered education.
Conduct procedural research to improve classroom practice.
Education in private and govermental schools.