The smart grid is a new form of the traditional electrical power grid which brings computerized technology to an existing electricity grid; allowing easier communication between energy retailers distributors and customers.
Smart grids can help to integrate an increasing amount of renewable energy sources RES into the grid. RES present a challenge to traditional electricity grids because they are often both intermittent and difficult to predict. Smart grids help network companies to remotely anticipate and respond to problems so repair crews your local distributor can fix power outages faster.
Energy companies and businesses are already exploring how to adopt RES into the grid but they lack Smart Grids management skills and knowledge among employees. This new MSc program therefore offers a unique advantage to its graduates in an increasingly competitive job market with highly-sought expertise giving the graduate the skills he needs to launch a career in this fast-growing sector.
Integrating renewable energy sources into the existing power systems in order to meet governmental targets worldwide introduces several challenges for network operators.
This new master program aims to deliver skilled graduates able to meet these challenges with the required knowledge and expertise in smart sustainable energy systems and the Internet of Things IOT.
This program is unique in its focus on the multi-disciplinary aspect of smart grids i.e. a combination of power and energy systems Big-Data analytics IOT Artificial Intelligence and economics of smart grids.
To be a recognized program of smart grids engineering that helps in providing high qualified engineers in this multi-disciplinary field of Engineering and in preparing graduate students that have the ability of utilizing what they learned in solving the real-life problems. This agrees with university vision in achieving higher level of progressing in hot attractive technological fields.
Providing the students of the program with an energy engineering education, especially in renewable energy and sustainable systems with their integration with the main grid to construct a smart grid. This is to serve the economic development, protect the environment, and improve the quality of human life. This helps in developing the industry sector which is in full agreement with university mission.
Climate change, growing populations and limited fossil fuel resources mean that demand for renewable energy continues at an ever-increasing rate. Renewable energy is now at the heart of every informed discussion concerning energy sustainability, security and affordability. Renewable Energy sources as distributed generation sources with the existing grid make the basic construction of the smart grid.
The Master in Smart Grids Engineering provides graduates and working professionals with a broad training in, and understanding of, energy systems in the context of the sustainability of energy supply. The program is grounded in engineering and has a strong emphasis on energy systems where electricity is the final product. However, energy is also considered in the wider context of consumption patterns, efficiency, economics, policy and regulation. While there is particular focus on the deployment of renewable energies in grid-connected systems, there are also opportunities to explore off-grid systems e.g. in remote areas’ projects.
The main important points and properties that justify the presence of such a unique master program in Palestine are:
• This program will connect students to developed scientific research areas which supports the industrial improvements.
• It will provide students with necessary skills in analytical and computational tools which will help them to solve complex and sometimes interdisciplinary problems which means putting students on the right way of scientific research.
• Students graduated from this program will have job opportunities in several institutional and technological fields especially for research and development as well as PhD students in the academy.
• Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie is the only governmental university in West Bank, and the program is consistent with the university mission and with its capabilities in all areas.
• This program meets the market needs in this area and help in building bridges between theoretical and applied science and will fill the gap between the university and industry.
The graduate of this program is a broadly-trained integration engineer concerned with enabling complex systems to function effectively. Developing human resources that are able to design the generation facilities depending on sustainable energy sources to install such energy systems and to manage these systems is the main objective of this program.
General Goals:
To equip students with the technical knowledge necessary to work effectively as energy engineers in an applied environment of a smart grid.
• To provide students with adequate experience to design systems as individuals and within teams.
• To qualify engineers who respect the ethics of their profession.
• To prepare students for life-long learning and continuing education.
• To achieve international reputation in distinct research areas including but not limited to solar and wind energy energy waste etc.
Special Goals:
• To appreciate the constraints and opportunities provided by energy resources both renewable and traditional within pre-existing energy systems societies markets and regulatory frameworks.
• To quantify energy flows environmental impacts principal aspects of different generation technologies and design specifications and dimensions.
• To acquire the knowledge of the technical characteristics and resource evaluation of some of the major power sources both renewable and traditional and the theory underpinning their operation and performance.
• To develop preliminary technology assessments and exploitation plans for different energy distribution sources.
• To understand the engineering aspects of power conversion for electricity grids in particular concerned with the connection of renewable power sources with the grids supported by calculations.
• To understand the problems of energy distribution and the constraints on present distribution systems.
• To understand some of the major economic theories describing the markets in which smart grid components are deployed.
• To conduct a critical analysis of competing claims in the energy sector and evaluate options for energy supply distribution and utilisation including renewable and non-renewable and to appraise the environmental sustainability of energy systems.
• To design plan and execute an original program of work appropriate to answering research or design questions regarding sustainable energy systems.
• To increase job opportunities in the universities high schools statistics centers companies and other institutions and sectors.
• To provide industry with specialists that have different applied skills.
• To be a part for the development of Palestine through research and studying real life problems.
This program offers tremendous job prospects for graduates with a wide range of businesses start-ups governments councils /municipalities and large conglomerates wanting to invest in the use of smart grids and renewable energy sources integration into the existing grids but struggling to find skills.
The program offers unique advantages to its graduates in an increasingly competitive job market with highly sought skills. For example power system and smart grid analysis smart grids operation and economics artificial intelligence big data analytics control systems environmental law and sustainability in the built environment.
The Master’s Program in Smart Grids offers students the latest knowledge in ongoing energy transitions and excellent capabilities to renew the industry and create future-proof solutions for sustainable and smart energy systems.
By completing the program the graduate will be able to:
• Plan and develop intelligent and smart solutions for the electrical supply systems of the future.
• Manage various production product development and planning projects in the field of electrical engineering and energy technology.
• Assess and compare different ways of energy production the technical and economical point of view and compare different alternatives in energy production.
• Use existing sources of information critically and produce new knowledge in electrical engineering and energy technology.
Graduates of the smart grids engineering program would be ideal candidates for:
• Designing constructing commissioning and lifecycle maintenance of complex energy production smart distribution and transmission grids.
• Integrating renewable energies into the grid planning and operation of smart grids controlling energy systems energy storage systems management and efficient use of energy in building manufacturing and processing systems. One can also be involved in work relating to the environmental and economic impact of energy usage.
• Working in specialized organization in related fields like energy auditing offices alternative fuels and smart transportation companies and environmental assessment organizations.
Job titles in these organizations include:
• Energy engineer.
• Energy analyst.
• Power engineer.
• Energy modeler.
• Energy auditor.
• Energy policy analyst.
• Power systems analyst.