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Workshop on Best Practices of AI Tools at Kadoorie University
  • Tuesday, 04-06-2024

Workshop on Best Practices of AI Tools at Kadoorie University

In line with its strategic goals to keep pace with the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie, through its Training and Support Department, organized a training workshop for one hundred university staff members.

The workshop aimed at developing the staff members’ skills in using AI tools for academic purposes and to best use this technology, keeping up with the latest technological advancements.

Exchange students from Manipal University in India also participated in the workshop.

Assistant President for Technological Affairs, Eng. Fadi Al-Zaibadi, highlighted that this workshop is the first in a series planned by the university. These workshops aim to encompass all university staff and students, focusing on skill and knowledge empowerment and specialized education amidst the AI revolution, while also addressing the mitigation of its negative impacts and uses.

Workshop coordinator and trainer, Ms. Yasmeen Abu Haseera, explained that the first workshop provided an introduction to the ChatGPT application, including its functionality and uses in teaching, assessment, and research. Various tools were presented to enhance and benefit from these applications to improve and develop academic work.

The workshop also discussed the cautions, positives, and negatives associated with its use.

A discussion was also opened for all participants to address any inquiries and to gather recommendations from participants.

This dialogue aimed to adopt its use wisely to enhance academic work and save time and effort while maintaining academic integrity and accountability to ensure the quality of outcomes.