Course Description - Bachelor of Environmental and Sustainable Agriculture

  • 15200104: Social Services [1 Credit Hours]

    Students perform voluntary work such as donating blood, repairing homes, tourist trails, or holding educational workshops at the university, and the student is committed to training or working for 40 hours.

  • 13020007: English language III [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020017: E-government Legal Framework [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020025: Agriculture in Palestine [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020031: Contemporary Global Issues [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16000101: Botany [3 Credit Hours]

    Plant Cell and Plant Tissue, Plant Composition Anatomy and Functions of Plant Organs (Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower,Fruit, and Seed) Plant and Energy, Plant Nutrition and Food Transfer, Plant Classification and Plant Environment.

  • 16000105: Principles of Agricultural Economics [3 Credit Hours]

    Economic principles, which include the relationship of inputs to output and the relationship of inputs to outputs. The study of productive functions and production laws and the study of costs. This article also deals with the status of agriculture in the economic structure and the characteristics of the work in agriculture

  • 16000201: Microbiology [3 Credit Hours]

    The course will cover history and scope of microbiology: prokaryotes cell structure and function, metabolism, and nutrition, microbial growth, requirements for growth, environmental factors affecting growth, effect of antimicrobial agents on growth, microbial genetics and gene cloning, bacterial and microbial taxonomy, major groups of bacteria, microorganisms and environment, immune response and antigen-antibody reaction in vitro.

  • 16000205: Microbiology Lab [1 Credit Hours]

    The practical aspect includes training students to deal with microorganisms in terms of preparing food environments and how to plant them and isolate them and prepare microscopic slides in different ways to identify them.

  • 15050252: Analytical Chemistry Lab. [1 Credit Hours]

    Students will learn the different methods of analysis of non- organic compound

  • 16050114: General Chemistry Lab for Agricultural Students [1 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the following topics: identification of laboratory instruments and devices, measurement of physical properties of chemical compounds, study of some chemical reactions in quantitative and thermal terms, solubility of salts, detection of ions and calibration of acids and bases, determination of molecular weight of volatile liquids.

  • 16010304: Principles of Organic Agriculture [3 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to provide participants with the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for implementing and promoting organic agriculture activities and programs. While the main focus is for agricultural technicians, this course will clarify concepts and issues about organic agriculture as well as provide practical techniques and guidelines on implementing organic agriculture projects.

  • 16010307: Integrated Pest Management [3 Credit Hours]

    This course covers the principles of integrated pest management. Environmental and economic concepts and principles of control, and ways and means by which: agricultural methods, biological, rationalization in the use of pesticides. Understand the variables that control the pest population and the proper ways to estimate the pest population and develop the appropriate plans to control it. This course also contains 3 laboratory hours each week dealing with the application of the theoretical part of this course in practice.

  • 16010410: Land Reclamation Techniques [3 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with land and water in Palestine, the classification of Palestinian land and the area of reclaimed land and its importance, factors of low land productivity, sources of dissolved salts in soil, saline soils, methods of reclamation, sodic and alkaline soils and methods of reclamation, boron-rich soils and reclamation methods, and assessment of the validity of irrigation water.

  • 16010417: Natural Resources Economic [3 Credit Hours]

    This course deals with economic principles and special interest to natural resource economics. It focuses on the supply, demand, and allocation of the Earth’s natural resources.

  • 15200101: Palestinian Issue [3 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with the events of the Palestinian issue through the most important ages from the Canaanites until the year 2021. It focuses on the Islamic conquest of Palestine in the year 15 AH 636 AD, the Crusader torch from 1099 to the liberation of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi of Palestine in 1187, and it talks about the Ottomans in Palestine from 1516 to 1917. The course is concerned with the Palestinian issue during the British occupation in 1917, until the Nakba in 1948, and the establishment of the occupation state .It deals with the Palestinian resistance and revolutions during 100 years, and Arab-Israeli wars from 1948 to 2021.The course talks about Palestinian Liberation Organization, Palestinian resistance movements and parties, Palestinian Authority and the peace negotiations projects since the 1978 Camp David Accords until 2021.The course talks about attempts to Judaism Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque since the Palestinian setback in 1967 until 2021, and the issue of Palestinian refugees since 1948. It also anticipates the future of the Palestinian issue.

  • 13020012: Islamic Civilization [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020019: Democracy and Elections [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020022: Library and Research Methods [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020033: Child Rearing and Family Upbringing [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020036: Software Applications [2 Credit Hours]

  • 15020108: General Physics for ِAِِِgricultural ٍٍِStudents Lab. [1 Credit Hours]

    In this course, practical experiments related to motion, Newton's laws, conservation laws, gravity, heat, static electricity, electrical circuits, viscosity, surface tension will be conducted. As well as, experiments in mechanics, electricity, fluids and soil properties will be conducted.

  • 16050111: Genral Biology for Agricultural students [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes a study of the synthesis and properties of essential compounds in living organisms such as nucleic acids, proteins, fats and sugars. The course also deals with the study of energy transformations and show how cell division, cell organization, the basic components of the cell and the basic processes in the cell from transfer and feeding and others.

  • 16050112: Genral Biology Lab for Agricultural students [1 Credit Hours]

    This course includes experiments on the properties of biological compounds, methods of detection, use of microscopy, preparation of samples, study of methods of transfer of materials through cell membranes in addition to the study of cell types and their composition.

  • 16010206: Design of Irrigation and Drainage systems [3 Credit Hours]

    Irrigation water resources, hydraulics of wells, irrigation water quality, and salinity control. Water flow in pipelines and open canals, irrigation systems, and installations, the irrigation systems including surface water, sprinkler irrigation, and drip irrigation systems, programming and management of irrigation systems. Soil-water relationships and the basics of agricultural drainage.

  • 16010309: Vegetables Production [3 Credit Hours]

    Study of the economic and nutritional importance of vegetables Production and cultivation of the most important vegetable crops, the appropriate environmental conditions, the different agricultural processes, the modern trends in vegetable cultivation, protected agriculture and agriculture in open ground for vegetables, agricultural cycle and overlapping agriculture, harvesting, storage and marketing, the study of the most important vegetable crops in Palestine.

  • 16010408: Soil Water Plant relationship [3 Credit Hours]

    General Definition of Soil, Soil Formation, Soil Characteristics, Soil Water Relationships, Soil Composition Measurement, Soil Mechanical Analysis, Soil Mud Finding, Soil Moisture Content, Soil Water Voltage: Introduction to Voltage, Soil Water Compounds, Measurement Soil Water Voltage, Soil Water Voltage Relationships, Soil Water Motion, Darcy Law, Hydraulic Conductivity, Leach Physics, Soil Sampling Methods, Estimation of Bulk Density, Truth and Porosity of Soils, Determination of Moisture Content, Determination of Electrical Conductivity in Soils, Estimation of leaching.

  • 15200107: Islamic Studies [3 Credit Hours]

  • 13020002: French Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020013: History of Jerusalem [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020023: Astronomy [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020024: Environmental Culture [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16010201: Introduction in Ecology [3 Credit Hours]

    The course is providing students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the environment. It focuses on both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) elements of the environment. It examines the physical, chemical, and biological components of ecological interactions that influence the distribution and abundance of organisms. Particular emphasis will be paid to how energy is transmitted and the nutrients cycling in it, knowledge of the diversity of ecosystems which includes aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems, the relationships of the three environmental enclosures (water, air, and land).

  • 16010308: Soil physics and chemistry [3 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to provide an overview of physical and chemical properties of soils and to have a comprehensive understanding of the methods of evaluation. Physical topics include the movement of water, heat, gases, and solutes through the soil. Chemistry topics include solid and solution speciation, mineral solubility, ion exchange, and oxidation-reduction reactions with major features of liquid water and the chemical processes taking place in soil solution and the soil acidity and alkalinity.

  • 16010403: Field-practical-plant protection [2 Credit Hours]

    This practical course aims at training the students for preparation then spraying the various agricultural pesticides including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. It also includes diagnosis and identification of pests and diseases that should be sprayed with the above pesticides. The practice also includes how the spraying equipment should be used properly such as knapsack sprayers, tractor mounted sprayers.

  • 16010409: Wastewater Reuse and Management [3 Credit Hours]

    Advantage of wastewater reuse, limitation of wastewater reuse, wastewater treatment process, characteristics of wastewater, quality parameters of importance in agriculture use of wastewater, monitoring of wastewater quality for irrigation, irrigation with wastewater, strategies for managing treated wastewater on-farm, aquifer recharge with wastewater, agriculture use of sewage sludge.

  • 16010418: Agric. Guidance & Marketing [2 Credit Hours]

    The course includes two main parts that have an integrated relationship, where the first part includes agricultural marketing and briefly deals with the most important principles of marketing and its components from the market, consumer behavior and marketing channels in addition to e-marketing. Second part of the course in agricultural extension includes the most important principles of agricultural extension and a statement of links between agricultural science and farmers behavior, awareness and education of students in the main concepts and principles of agricultural extension that directed to farmers and rural society, methods of communication, and the role of agricultural extension in the development of resources, raising efficiency and productive merit, raising agricultural income through the dissemination and adoption of modern technology, in addition to the role of agricultural extension in educating farmers and their families regarding national problems, programs and policies, educating the rural women, in addition agricultural extension methods in Palestine.

  • 16010421: Regulatory Legislation [2 Credit Hours]

    The course include study and analysis of the regulatory legislation related to development institutions that are active in managing various developmental affairs, and aims to give the student a clear picture of the most important players in managing regulatory legislation and the necessary interventions to develop it, in addition of measuring its reflection on rural development and the agricultural sector, through institutional frameworks systems and sustainable laws that contribute to raising rural development awareness.

  • 15200106: ُEnglish (1) [3 Credit Hours]

    English 1 is a theoretical, 3-credit hour university requisite, and a general English Course which is designed to serve all BA and BSc Students of (PTUK) in all faculties. This course aims at developing students’ repertoire of the English language main skills as well as sub-skills through providing them with broad varieties of language patterns, grammatical and structural rules, and vocabulary items that can enable them to communicate meaningfully within ordinary and real-life contexts and situations. This course is also oriented towards equipping students with the skills they need to comprehend texts, contexts, and situations that are related to ordinary and real-life topics. Throughout this course, students will be exposed to a wide and various aural inputs in order to broaden and deepen their skills in listening, judgment, and critical thinking. Students of this course are expected to acquire and practice the skills they need to maximize their capabilities to express opinions about ordinary and real life topics both orally and in a written format, which will help in widening the students’ academic horizon.

  • 15200112: English 2 [3 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to serve PTUK students in the faculties of Science and Engineering as well as the students of Educational Technology (ET); it offers a broad overview of the English language learning skills in reading, writing, speaking that will enable them to communicate meaningfully in scientific contexts and situations. It also offers a broad variety of scientific language grammatical patterns and vocabulary items that are needed to comprehend scientific contexts and trends. Throughout this course, students will be exposed to a variety of scientific topics, aural input in order to broaden and deepen their critical thinking skills and to help them express opinions about modern scientific topics and problems.

  • 13020014: Political Science [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020015: International Relations [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020016: Law in Our Lives [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020018: The Palestinian Captive Movement [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020021: History of Science Among the Arabs [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020026: Leadership and Creativity [2 Credit Hours]

  • 15010109: General Mathematics [3 Credit Hours]

    This course introduces the knowledge and skills necessary to solve problems of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, and familiarity with the concepts of groups and operations on them, Functions and their graphic representation, types of functions and algebraic operations on them, systems of linear equations, matrices and their types, and equal matrices and operations on matrices, determinants and their properties and Cramer's method. The multiplicative inverse and the multiplicative inverse method for solving systems of linear equations.

  • 16000103: Principles of Plant Protection [3 Credit Hours]

    This course covers the most important groups of agricultural pests and their economic importance and appropriate methods to protect agricultural crops from pests with emphasis on the importance of protecting the environment and reducing pollution.

  • 16000107: Principles of Animal Production [3 Credit Hours]

    Basic terminology is common to animal science. Common breeds of farm animals, the basic scientific principles of breeding, feeding, and management of farm animals.

  • 15020107: General Physics for Agricultural Students [3 Credit Hours]

    This course covers units and vectors, motion, motion and force, Newton's laws, rotational motion, momentum, work, conservation laws, gravity, heat, static electricity, electrical circuits, viscosity, surface tension. Experiments in mechanics, electricity, fluids, soil properties.

  • 16010203: Water and Air Pollution [3 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to enable students to have a comprehensive understanding of water and air pollution. It deals with an overview of the hydrological cycle, water resources and use, resources of water pollution, major problems of pollution of the atmosphere, water, the land surface, and the food chain. And the kinds of aquatic pollutants. The course focuses also on air pollution, taking into account the kinds of air pollutants and their natural and industrial resources. Physic-chemical factors that can affect the emission of these pollutants. It covers processes responsible for the occurrence and release of pollutants in the environment, the hazards associated with different types of pollutant, problems of accumulation of toxic substances, and procedures for the reduction of emissions and remediation of contaminated environments.

  • 16010303: Wastewater Treatment [3 Credit Hours]

    The course is designed to give an overview of typical wastewater characteristics, how this may affect relevant treatment processes, will be given, in addition to treatment and effluent requirements. The course will cover the theoretical foundation, and practical configurations, design, and operation of relevant wastewater treatment processes, including physical-, chemical- and biological processes. It also focuses on how to combine different treatment processes to meet present and future effluent requirements.

  • 16010301: Solid Waste Management [3 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the concept of solid waste management. The course deals with municipal solid waste composition and characteristics, collection methods, storage, transformation, and treatment methods including landfilling waste to energy and recycling. Further, it introduces the students the solid waste management policy and the means to implement it (legislation, planning, etc.).The course provides tools of solid waste management activities associated with generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, reuse and recycling, processing and disposal which should be environmentally compatible, adapting to the principles of economy, aesthetics, and energy conservation.

  • 16010402: Field-practical- plant production [2 Credit Hours]

    This course aims to give students the opportunity to develop specific skills in the field of plant propagation skills in the field of plant production and the practical application of all the information and experiences obtained in plant production, and also includes academic tours outside the college in order to identify the status of agriculture and the methods and techniques used in plant production in Palestine.

  • 16010420: Feasibility Study [2 Credit Hours]

    This course develops a student’s ability to undertake complex feasibility studies. Students will learn these skills and techniques through performing various feasibility studies of differing size and complexity. A feasibility study is designed to establish whether a project or initiative is worth the investment in time and money needed to get it off the ground. This includes the cost of developing the initiative, but it also looks at the availability of funding, both to initiate the project and to keep it going. However, the feasibility study also looks at the evidence of need, potential take up and constraints such as the capacity of buildings, staff and the community. The course also utilizes practical situations, using the analytical and assessment tools such as spreadsheets and Web Analysis, Critical Path, evaluation and review of programs

  • 16010423: Agricultural Machinery [2 Credit Hours]

    This course involves studying the types of agricultural machinery and equipment, in terms of their importance, how they work in theory, hydraulic, power transmission and economic performance of the machine with a focus on the study of agricultural tractor, soil preparation and agriculture equipment, harvesting, prevention, fertilization, water pumping, then how to choose the necessary machinery and equipment to work effectively on the farm and fuel system, refrigeration, air, electricity, transportation and identify the technical problems in the tractor.

  • 13020001: Hebrew Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020004: Russian Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020029: My Career II [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16000102: Principles of Plant Production [3 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with the general principles of plant production. Plant, various agricultural processes and means of production.

  • 15050102: General Chemistry (2) [3 Credit Hours]

    This is the second of two general chemistry courses. It builds upon the foundation of chemical bonding concepts laid out in the first course, and applies these to important topics in chemistry. Material covered includes solutions, chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry.

  • 15050106: Practical General Chemistry (2) [1 Credit Hours]

    Laboratory experiments illustrate the concepts of general chemistry II such as electrochemistry, determination of a rate law, spectrophotometric determination of an equilibrium constant, buffer solutions, colligative properties of solutions

  • 16010310: Fertilizers and Soil Fertility [3 Credit Hours]

    Soil chemical and physical properties as related to soil fertility. Plant nutrients and their classification, functions, reactions, and availability in the soil. Movement and absorption of plant nutrients. Fertilizers classification, types and application methods. Soil fertility evaluation and fertilizers recommendations.

  • 16010404: Practical Field training in soil and irrigation [2 Credit Hours]

    Training students on soil testing processes and their relationship to irrigation by type, calculate the quantities of water needed for irrigation and install and maintain irrigation systems and repair and suitability of crops.

  • 16010415: Food and environment [3 Credit Hours]

    This course deals with Human food requirements and needs, the problem of food shortages in the world, food production and food security, reduce food losses

  • 16010416: Environmental Information Management [3 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to provide students with the concept of environmental management issues through the important role that environmental management systems play in contributing to the preservation of the environment. It defines the elements of management and environmental management systems, human economic activity through the conservation of raw materials and natural resources consumption. Demonstrate the requirements and advantages of environmental information and how to use environmental management systems to activate economic feasibility and competition. Demonstrate the role of environmental management systems in introducing regulations on compliance with laws and accuracy. It provides knowledge about measuring environmental performance and its impact on improving economic performance

  • 16010412: Development and Biodiversity [3 Credit Hours]

    Introduction to how organisms interact with the environment, diversity problems and their relevance to ecosystems and their impacts on living organisms, biodiversity components, how biodiversity components relate to each other, measurement and classification of biodiversity, natural habits and interactions of microorganisms. Problems and methods of conservation of natural resources and their relationship to biodiversity.

  • 15200102: Arabic Language [3 Credit Hours]

    The course aims to develop the students’ cognitive abilities and communication skills in Arabic language by introducing Arabic dictionaries, spelling and grammatical errors, and familiarizing them with ancient and modern Arabic literary models including models from the Holy Qur’an.

  • 13010006: Computer Skills and Applications [1 Credit Hours]

  • 13020008: Physical Culture [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020028: My Career I [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020032: Economy in the Third World [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020035: Professional Communication Skills [2 Credit Hours]

  • 15050251: Analytical Chemistry [3 Credit Hours]

    Through the study of this introductory course, the students will be introduced to determine the concentration of non-organic compounds in biological, environmental and food samples. Sampling, error and statistical analysis as applied to analytical chemistry. Specific analytical techniques or concepts covered are gravimetric, complex metric, volumetric, analysis such as acid-base titration and standardization, oxidation-reduction, and precipitation titration.

  • 16010405: Graduation Project [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the preparation of a study on a specific scientific subject in the field of specialization and prepares it to give a group of students and discuss with professors and students.

  • 16010302: Environmental Impact Assessment [3 Credit Hours]

    This course explores interactions between human activities and natural or man-made systems, linking them to the concept of environmental sustainability and to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures. It focuses both on strategic EIA and project EIA and discusses examples of EIA systems used in different countries.

  • 16010407: Economic Entomology [3 Credit Hours]

    This course deals with the identification of insects which cause economic damage to plants including a description of insects and their life cycle, and type of damage-control measures. It covers pests from the following orders: homoptera, hemiptera, thysanoptera, diptera, coleopteran, lepidoptera, hymenoptera.

  • 16010411: Food Preservation [3 Credit Hours]

    Introduction to food preservation, the use of refrigeration, drying, smoking, salting and others in food preservation, fermentation as a means of food preservation, chemical, biological and physical basis in food preservation, causes of various food spoilage and the role of enzymes and microorganisms in this regard, the mechanism of temporary and permanent preservation, scientific visits to laboratories and factories Manufacturing and preservation of various foods, scientific visits to various food processing and preserving plants.

  • 16010422: Advanced Topics in Sustainable Agriculture [3 Credit Hours]

    An integrated approach to soil fertility and sustainable food production. The principles of soil formation and self-sustaining soil systems, biodiversity, biologically grown food, irrigation, water management, and social values are also discussed. Focus on crops and livestock management cases, minimizing the severe irreversible soil damages to Mediterranean ecosystems. Sustainable food production and organic farming for society. Food as a product, food policies

  • 15200099: Pre-English [3 Credit Hours]

    Remedial English: The course is a compulsory service course offered for first year students. It is a prerequisite for E1 and it focuses mainly on the language learning skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course is intended to equip the students with basic skills necessary for successful communication in both oral and written forms of the language. In addition to grammar and how to use vocabulary in a meaningful context.

  • 13010007: Communication Skills [1 Credit Hours]

  • 13020005: Turkish Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020010: Islamic Econmic System [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020020: Anti-Corruption [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020030: Individual and Society [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020034: Introduction to Automotive Engineering [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16050113: General Chemistry for Agricultural Students [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the basic theoretical rules related to scientific methods of measurement, chemical calculations, periodic table, electronic structure, chemical bonds, thermochemistry, chemical reactions, gaseous state, matter states, properties of solutions, acids, bases and equilibrium of acids and bases in aqueous solutions.

  • 16010202: Agricultural Pollution [2 Credit Hours]

    "This course is designed to have a comprehensive understanding of modern agricultural practicing and ecosystems. It deals with major problems of pollution of the environment due to agriculture and how we can reduce the negative effects The effect of farming practices such as irrigation, plowing, fertilization, and pesticide application on the environment. How to reduce the effects of agricultural pollution. Further, to understand the concept and the importance of organic farming.

  • 16010205: Plant Propagation & Nurseries [3 Credit Hours]

    This course deals with the basic techniques and practical skills for propagation of fruit trees, ornamental plants and vegetables. These propagation methods include sexual and vegetation of various types (cuttings, grafting and budding, layering, specialized structure and micro-propagation). The course also concentrates on using agricultural installations such as green houses, and other different agricultural environments for propagation purposes.

  • 16010305: Sustainable Farm Management [3 Credit Hours]

    This course gives the student the principles and practices of sustainable farm management using farm planning. Introduce students to develop and understand sustainable farm management on a farm scale and to start a new farm business plan using the entire principles of agricultural planning including goal setting, resource assessment, project analysis, crop production, livestock, soil health, pest control, and marketing.

  • 16010401: Protected Agriculture management [3 Credit Hours]

    This course deals with importance of protected agriculture and types greenhouses in term of design, components, installation and maintenance. Agricultural practices and operations inside greenhouses, their impact in increasing production and improving quality of various crops. The use of modern technologies in protected agriculture.

  • 16010414: Sustainable Development [3 Credit Hours]

    This course examines the concepts and methods used in analyzing the interaction between economics, environment, and society, and study a range of policies that can be applied to environmental and social problems. And how to invest all the resources for the human being.

  • 16010419: Field Crops Production [3 Credit Hours]

    Study of cereal and legume crops in terms of economic importance, production areas, needs, and suitable environmental conditions, nutritional value, methods of raising production efficiency under rainy and irrigated conditions, various agricultural operations of the most important field crops in Palestine. This course also contains 3 laboratory hours each week dealing with the classification of field crops, plant description of the most important field crops and includes root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds.

  • 16010424: Energy and Environment [2 Credit Hours]

    This course is designed to give students an overview of non-renewable sources of energy, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil and petroleum products. Identifications: of renewable sources such as water, wind, solar, electrochemical and hydrogen production as pure fuels and geothermal energy. Furthermore, the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of energy sources will be discussed. This course will seek to provide students with a broad understanding of combustion reactions in non-renewable sources, their products and calculations, and thus the health problems associated of polluting combustion compounds resulting from fuel combustion such as air pollution. The course deals with the environmental problems related to energy usage and generation such as acid rain, greenhouse effect, global warming, ozone layer erosion, climate change, and various environmental pollutants. The energy crisis, mitigation, and energy economics.

  • 13020003: German Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020006: Italian Language [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020009: Islam and Contemporary Issues [2 Credit Hours]

  • 13020011: Contemporary Problems [2 Credit Hours]

  • 16000202: Agricultural Statistics [3 Credit Hours]

    Data description and organization by the graphical, numerical, vertical base, dispersion measures, probability theory, random variables, probability distributions, natural distribution, and statistical inference from large and small samples.

  • 16000104: Principles of Soil Science [3 Credit Hours]

    Development of soil concept and importance. The process and soil-forming factors roles in soil profile development. The physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil. Soil-water relations. The soil water management practices. The role of organic matter in developing the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Classification and characteristics of soil minerals.

  • 16000106: ٍStatus of Agric. in Palestine [3 Credit Hours]

    The development of agriculture and its importance globally and regionally and focusing on it locality. It includes agricultural climate, production elements, plant production in irrigated and rainfed areas, animal production, product marketing, agricultural mechanization, institutions working in agriculture, problems of agriculture in the region, and advanced and modern agricultural projects.

  • 16000108: Fundamentals of Nutrition [3 Credit Hours]

    This course introduces basic concepts nutrition, metabolism of nutrients within the human body, fate of nutrients and their interactions and symptoms of malnutrition, human nutrient requirements, types and causes of food spoilage, nutritional diseases.

  • 16010204: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture [3 Credit Hours]

    Introduction to contemporary sustainable farming systems through a study of the history of food production in the world and its link to the development of ecological agriculture. Students will learn about the ethical, economic, environmental and social dimensions of agricultural sustainability. It will identify sustainable food production systems such as organic agriculture, bio-agriculture, and sustainable agriculture.

  • 16010306: Food Security [2 Credit Hours]

    Strategic Elements of Food Security, Food Security Approaches, Nutrition Policies and Tools, Integrated Food Plan, Population Reproduction Laws, Food Budget, Green Revolution and Food Security, Food Aid, Fundamentals of Self-reliance, Food Security in the International Perspective, Arab and Palestinian Food Security, Food and Poverty, Global Experiences, Economic Inflation and Nutrition.

  • 16010406: Agricultural Pesticides Management [3 Credit Hours]

    The course deals with the definition of different agricultural pests and pesticides, methods of pest control, especially chemical methods, economic importance of pesticides, history of pesticides, types of pesticides, their composition and methods of use, registration of pesticides and registration laws, and problems arising from the use of pesticides.

  • 16010413: Fruit Trees Production [3 Credit Hours]

    This course includes the study of the division of fruit trees according to climate and environmental factors, environmental factors affecting their cultivation, propagation of fruit plants and selection of assets. Establishment and planning of fruit orchards, water and fertilizer requirements for fruit trees, modern systems in agriculture and breeding, the study of the production and cultivation of the main fruit crops in Palestine including nuts, apples, nuts, citrus, olives, bananas, grapes, figs, etc., covering the practical part.