• Candidates must have a bachelors degree in Chemistry, Material Sciences, Nanotechnology, pharmacy, or other related field of science with a chemistry background with a GPA of at least 2.33 (70%) or graduate with a good rate.
• Candidates will have to sit for oral and/or written exams.
• Having been accepted, the candidate may be asked to take some remedial courses. The faculty of graduate studies will decide this.
• The student must pass a minimum of 36 credit hours with (70%) or 2.33 as a passing mark for any course and with at least (75%) or 2.67 as GPA.
• The student must pass a successful thesis defense or a comprehensive exam.
• The comprehensive exam will be held twice a year (by the end of the academic semester).
• Students should register for any academic semester at least 6 credit hours and not more than 12 credit hours.
• The grade for both the comprehensive exam and the thesis defense is either pass or fail.
• The degree awarded will be Masters Degree in Applied Chemistry