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PTUK Strengthens Partnerships in FLAVEaT Project in Valencia
  • Friday, 31-01-2025

PTUK Strengthens Partnerships in FLAVEaT Project in Valencia

Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie participated in the administrative meeting of the FLAVEaT project Food Legislation in Vocational Education and Training, supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program.
The meeting was held in Valencia, Spain, from January 28 to 31, 2025, where Dr. Mahmoud Jazzar represented the university at the meeting, while Dr. Wafa Masoud and Professor Prof. Nawaf Abu Khalaf participated via Zoom.

The meeting was attended by representatives from partner universities and institutions, including the University of Nablus for Vocational and Technical Education, the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University, the Center for Creative Thinking and Development CRETHIDEV from Greece, the Virtual Academy VC from Portugal, the Applied Research Institute for Animal Health IZS from Italy, and the Technological Innovation Center AINIA from Spain.
The discussions focused on the project’s work packages and mechanisms for developing and distributing academic courses among the partners.

During the meeting, Dr. Mahmoud Jazzar delivered a presentation on the e-learning courses currently under development at Kadoorie University, highlighting the university’s role in preparing for the selection of courses and required equipment, in line with the project’s preparatory work package.

Prof. Nawaf Abu Khalaf, Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, addressed the laboratory needs and technical content for the course "Post-Harvest Management and Appropriate Legislation," which is set to be developed in collaboration with European institutions.

The meeting also included training sessions for researchers at the AINIA Center on quality standards for analytical laboratories. The training covered topics such as quality fundamentals, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements, quality management tools, calibration equipment, laboratory certifications and accreditation, and laboratory information management, alongside practical sessions.

Dr. Mahmoud Jazzar emphasized that the project contributes to updating food technology programs at partner universities in Palestine and Jordan, fostering academic collaboration among partner institutions. This opens new horizons for future projects that maximize benefits and deepen the impact in this field.