A group of researchers from Palestinian and Arab universities represented by Dr.Motaz Da'du from Palestine Technical University –Kadoorie, Dr. Sa’ed Tarabeh from An-Najah National University, Dr. Kamarol Bin Hashem and Dr.Shadi Atallah from the University of Dubai in the Arab Emirates conducted a research and a scientific paper under the title “Designing Third Generation Cellular Communication Networks”. The results extracted from this research were published in the scientific Computer and Information Science Magazine
In this context, Dr. Da'du and Dr.Tarabeh highlighted that the importance of the research lies in the fact that the research has been able to provide a scientific and practical formula for the precise mechanism of transition and development in cellular communication networks of the second generation cellulars to the third generation in Palestine.
It is worth mentioning in this context that the research was conducted in two distinct Palestinian cities, with different geographical natures to ensure the possibility of expanding the design to include all Palestinian cities.