Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie hosted, on Monday July 10, 2018, the 35th anniversary celebration of the Palestinian Agricultural Relief PARC in presence of Tulkarem Governor Isam Abu Baker, the Chairman of Tulkarem Municipality Mohammad Yaqoub, the General Manager of PARC Dr. Khalili Sheeha, the Chairman of Tulkarem Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Ibraheem Abu Haseeb, the Chair of Arab Follow-up Committee in the Occupied Territory Mohammad Baraka, PTUK Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Nafe’ Assaf, the Director of QOU Tulkarem Branch, Dr. Salamah Salem, the Palestinian Legislative Council Member, Dr. Seham Thabet along with a crowd of farmers and official representatives.
The Dean of Science and Agricultural Technology Dr. Tahseen Sayarah delivered a speech expressing the University President Prof Marwan Awartani congratulation to the PARC outstanding work over the past years serving the Palestinian community, commending thereby the ongoing partnership between PTUK and PARC which crossed beyond the lines of their signed agreement in the field of activities and workshop implementation that give rise to the development of the Palestinian society.