On Wednesday Aug 8, 2018, Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie had concluded the final recommendations of the Sixth Palestinian Conference on Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics which generally called for reviving the subject of mathematics and physics in the minds of the students, sponsor the next related conferences, events and activities and to disseminate the conference’s outcome and the participants’ scientific researches in international scientific journals as well as enhance the local participation of the Palestinian universities in the next conferences.
The participants stressed the importance of involving the concerned students in the mathematics and physics subjects, investing the opportunity provided by the conference to break the Palestinian isolation from the world, learning more about scientific universities that offer high studies programs throughout holding discussion panels between the students and the international participants, and setting up national committee to choose the best students to study abroad and complete their PhDs.
The participants also recommended to tackle the problem of the young people’s disaffection of studying the mathematics and physics subjects by providing motivating facilities that encourage the graduate students in challenging environment.
Some recommendations strived for organizational aspects that call for more modern ideas in the field of mathematics and physics, and open new horizons for the Palestinian scholars to contact the international experts and exchange expertise of knowledge, laboratories work and infrastructure that contribute to the development of the Palestinian educational system in concerned subjects.
It has been also agreed that Birzeit University will host the Seventh Palestinian Conference on Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics in 2020.