PTUK Organizes Online Marketing Workshop Using Google Digital Techniques

The Department of Business Occupations at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie in collaboration with Injaz Palestine Organizationand Google Arabia Company discussed techniques of using google digital marketing within a workshop organized at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie. “Holding such extracurricular activities amongst academic life at university would greatly contribute to the students’ acquaintance of the professional skills and necessary knowledge to ease their active involvement in the labor market,”said the Head of the Department Dr. Fadi Abu Diak. Tasneem Badran, from Injaz Organization, explained that the aim of the course is to empower the students practically lest they may be recorded among the high rates of unemployed graduates and to increase their chances of employment after graduation through using technical and digital skills to develop online marketing for their future projects without the need to rely on weak chances of employment in the labor market. The Official Google Trainer, Saly Sharsheer stated that the fast modern technology toady affords without prejudice chances of online marketing for both the individuals and the firms using the internet as a mean of advertising and selling their goods and services.