Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie Celebrates the Graduation of Two Political Prisoners

Palestinian Technical University- Kadoorie and the Ministry of Detainees and Ex-detainees Affairs celebrated the graduation of two prisoners in Israeli jails: YousefKhalaylehand MahtasibHamail. The ceremony was held at the University's headquarters in Tulkarem, in the presence of the families of the two prisoners and underthe patronage of President of Ministry of Detainees and Ex-detainees Affairs- His ExcellencyIssaQaraqa'a, the Vice president for Academic Affairs- Dr. Sa’edMallak and the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs- Dr. Nafe’Assaf. In this context, His Excellency IssaQaraqa'acongratulated the families of the two prisonersexpressing his gratitude for the university presidentDr.Awartani for his efforts in supporting prisoners and at all levels through positive engagement with all their issues. For his part,the assistant of the university president- Dr. Eleyyan conveyed the greetings of the university president- Dr. Marwan Awartani to the families of the prisoners stressing that as a state university,Kadoorie has always strived to equip its students with knowledge to exercise their citizenship and their duty to build the nation. The families of the two prisoners expressed their pride and happiness in this achievement, praising the efforts of Palestine Technical University –Kadoorie andthe Ministry of Detainees and Ex-detainees.