The International Consultant, Prof Johannes Haas from FH | Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Austria visited Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie on Monday July 16, 2018 to hold a workshop on integrated education (dual and cooperative learning) within the framework of Mihnati Project that aims at combining the theoretical knowledge with practical application to bridge the gap between the graduates’ unpreparedness and the labor market needs.
The academic and steering committees’ members of Mihnati Project along with representatives from Palestinian industrial companies attended to participate in the workshop.
Mihnati Project Director Mr. Mohammad Jallad pointed out that the purpose of the workshop is to share the Austrian experience in integrated education compared to the Palestinian educational system to come up with an educational model that suits the Palestinian labor and private sectors, in addition to the preparation of the necessary samples including the study plans, instructions guide, integrated assessment models and academic staff training.
Jallad explained that the project will apply the dual education models on the diploma programs including refrigeration and air-conditioning, industrial automation, applied accounting and interior design and decoration where the students will be placed for 8 -12 months of training in the labor market. Whereas the coop education from the Autotronics Engineering track will spend 12 months of practical application during their whole fourth – year study.