Engineers Without borders at PTUK Organizes the Fourth Annual Cultural Olympiad

Under the supervision of the faculty of engineering and the students council at Kadoorie university, Engineers Without Borders Association at Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie organized the first day of the fourth annual Cultural Olympiad, which will be held over four days. In the first day, three of the seven engineering clubs participated in a contest which focused on cultural, athletic and engineering dimensions. The remaining clubs are to run against each other next Sunday. In this context, the President of the Engineers Without Borders Hasan Shadeed explained that the cultural Olympiad comes within the framework of activating the students and spreading positive and creative energy, through the refinement of the students personalities and raising their levels of knowledge and communicative skills. In this context, Shadeed also explained that Engineers Without Borders Association aims to expand its activities to all areas of engineering and open prospects for students by providing opportunities to participate in university extracurricular activities, such as seminars and workshops which are planned to extend outside the walls of the university. For his part, the dean of the faculty of engineering- Dr. Mu’tamed Al-Khatib stressed the importance of these events in the creation of a vibrant university life for students alongside with enhancing their general knowledge in various cultural fields.