Invitation to Conference: ETEP Conference
“Technology Education for the 21st Century: Bridging Theory and Practice”
Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, October 21-24, 2012
The mission of the World Bank-funded Enhancement of Technology Education in Palestine Project (ETEP) has focused on the improvement of Technology Education in Palestinian schools by enhancing the quality of pre-service teacher education at three institutions of higher education: Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie (PTUK), An-Najah National University, and Palestine Technical College-Arroub. With capacity-building support from its international partner, Teachers College, Columbia University, a dozen faculty from these institutions have worked hard for two years to enhance the quality and relevance of curriculum, instruction and assessment in pre-service courses; to reform and upgrade the program of study comprising the BA Program Technology Education; and, to establish a sustainable needs-based model for faculty professional development at each university in the form of the Multimedia and Educational Resources Center (MERC).
As the lead institution of ETEP, Palestine Technical University Kadoorie is pleased to be hosting an international conference in Tulkarm from October 21-24, 2012. More than a celebration of ETEP’s achievements, the conference, “Technology Education for the 21st Century: Bridging Theory and Practice,” will bring together academics, practitioners, and policymakers who will:
· Reflect critically on ETEP’s work and implications for sustaining its long-term impact.
· Demonstrate instructional approaches that link theory and pedagogical content knowledge.
· Launch ETEP’s Multimedia and Educational Resources Center (MERC) as a site for teacher educators to form communities of practice.
For more information and agenda, please call, or visit the website:
Tel: +97092688187
Website of Palestine Technical University:
Website of the Project and Conference: