PTUK and Local Media Conclude Training Course in Press Basics

Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie has concluded the training course in the basics of press and media for Media Technology students which was delivered by local media professionals in partnership with the Directorate of Media in Tulkarem. The training course aimed to develop the abilities and knowledge of the university student-journalists and included topics in the field of press reporting and editing, interviewing, data classification and professional ethics. In this context, the Head of Media Technology Department Dr. Mohammad Ishtewi said that the course included fifteen hours of training and skills development pointing to holding other several training courses and seminars in the field of modern media technology in the near future. For her turn, the Dean of Arts and Sciences College, Dr. Rabab Jarar stressed the importance of the university’s ongoing relationship with the official bodies and the local experts to give rise to the development of the media students’ skills.