PTUK and Political Guidance Organize Seminar Commemorating 74th Nakbah

Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, through the Students’ Council and Students’ Affairs, organized a national seminar in cooperation with the Political and National Guidance Commission to commemorate the 74th occasion of Nakbah “the Palestinian 1948 Catastrophe.” The Students Youth Movement Coordinator, Waseem Abu Shams led the seminar explaining that it falls within the different events and national meetings, organized by the council, to raise the awareness of the Palestinian youth of the national cases and to be an effective part of the political work. For his part, Brigadier Tayseer Ghannam said that these types of events foster national awareness amongst the students, who are the most critical group accounting for the future national responsibility. He added that the seminar signifies a sad event in the history of Palestine and the longtime Arab-Israeli conflict during which arbitrary policies and brutal practices are pursued by the Israeli Occupation to break the Palestinians’ will and resilience.