Yasser Arafat bloc (Al-Shabeeba ) won the student union elections at Palestine Technical University Kadoorie for the 2015/2016 session, which began on 20/4/2016 at nine and ended at four o'clock in the evening. Al-Shabeeba obtained 22 seats out of 33. While the leftist collation obtained 11 seats.
The number of voters was (3145) from a total of (5273) students, with a percentage of 62.7% .
In the presence of representatives of all the blocs, the votes have been counted and the results were announced by the head of the supervising committee- Dr. Jamal Abu Bushara in a press conference. Results of elections were as follows:
# of Votes
# of Seats
Yasser Arafat Bloc
Palestine (collation) bloc