PTUK Signs a Quality Development Agreement with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education

The President of Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie, Prof. Marwan Awartani signed an agreement with the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Sabri Sidem to implement "Transition from Education to Labor Market" projects which are funded by the World Bank. The signing ceremony was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Othman Saleh, the Assistant Undersecretary for Higher Education, Dr. Ihab Al-Qabaj, and the Director of the World Bank Projects Unit at the Ministry, Suha Al-Khalili. In this context, Prof. Awartani stressed the importance of the project, especially since it focuses on the students comprehensive educational process within high standards of quality. For his part, Dr. Sadeem praised the partnership with higher education institutions and stressed the importance of the agreements which aim at developing and improving the quality of higher education in Palestine.