PTUK Students Head Tulkarem Municipality for One Day

Aa’id Haroun and Ashraqat Ziyataneh – students at Palestine Technical University Kadoorie – had been granted an opportunity to be in charge of heading the position of the chairman of Tulkarem Municipality within the framework of the campaign “You are the Leader!” that is conducted by Sharek Youth Forum – Tamayaz program which aims at raising the skills and competencies of the undergraduate students to be qualified for the labor market and the local community service. Through his experience, Aa’id Haroun spoke about the high sensitivity of this position that put him responsible for one day acquainting him though with great experience and knowledge of the big challenges that the Chairman manages every day. The student Ashraqat Ziyataneh suggested several recommendations that may develop the youth and graduates’ skills and offer them new job opportunities throughout setting up funds that support their entrepreneurial projects. The Chairman of Tulkarem Municipality Eng. Mohammad Yaqoub stressed their readiness to help the youth and receive young leaders pointing to the municipality efforts in conducting networking with different sectors and institutions that activate the role of youth and their competency development. The University President Assistant for Public and Community Relations Ahmad Ammar commended the true partnership between the university and the Municipality believing in the students’ leadership skills in running businesses.