Basima Abu Rumaila, a master student in the Agricultural Biotechnology program won a research grant within the framework of the Palestinian German Science Bridge (PGSB). In this context, the director of Kadoorie’s Agricultural Research Center (KARC) and the academic supervisor of the thesis- Dr. Nawaf Abu- Khalaf stated that “such opportunities would open up a new horizons for the students and acquaint them with the latest scientific research methods”. From her part, Abu Rumaila explained that during her three-month stay in Juelich Research Center - Germany, she will be working at the Bioelectronics laboratory to develop a part of her master thesis which will have the title: “Detection of Metabolites from Spoilage Microorganisms in Food Products Using Printed Electrochemical Sensors”. The Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies -Dr. Rana Samara stated that the second call for the PGSB was launched. The main objective of this program is to support the establishment of a science- and technology-related infrastructure in Palestine in the field of research and development. Plant science, nanotechnology, energy. An information day workshop will be held at PTUK to promote of PALAST programs. Also, she encouraged graduate and undergraduate students to benefit for PTUK partnerships and collaborations with national and international institutions. It is worth mentioning in this context that the PGSBis coordinated by Palestine Academy for Science and Technology (PALAST) and Juelich Research Center (FZJ) and it is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Science and Scientific Research.