Within the Conference Third Day Events: PTUK Announces Two Best Master Degrees’ Winners and Honors the Conference Participants

Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie has announced the winners of the two best master degrees in the field of mathematics and physics from the Palestinian universities with a generous donation from Prof. Idris Titi from Texas University in the USA. Ghada Nimer Naser from An – Najah University has obtained the best mathematics master degree, which was supervised by Abdallah Hakawati and Moath Karaki, and the second best master degree in the field of physics was recorded to Iman Omar Nazal from the Arab American University – Jenin, supervised by Prof. Atef Qasrawi. Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie also honored the international participants in the Sixth Palestinian Conference on Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics in presence of the University President Prof. Marwan Awartani, the Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Saed Mallak and the Director of the External Links Mr. Azmi Saleh. The Israeli Occupation Bans Participants’ Arrival to the Conference The Israeli occupation has practiced severe harassments and arbitral procedures with which it banned six participants from Gaza, Jordan and the USA to share scientific interest in the conference. The most importantly of which was the refusal of visa issuance for Prof. C.K Raju from India to discuss his paper in the conference, which was entitled “Decolonizing Mathematics: How and why it makes science better? And enables the students to solve harder problems”, but the Israeli Embassy in India claimed no clear reasons of refusal warning him not to apply again despite of the fact that he had previously given a visa to visit Palestine in 2013.