On Thursday Aug 28, 2018, a farewell ceremony was organized in Arafat Theatre to honor the President of Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie Prof Marwan Awartani as an appreciation to his developmental and uprising infrastructural achievements in the university during his leadership.
Prof Awartani has recently been appointed to be the President of Palestine Academy for Science and Technology in Ramallah as per a presidential decree with a ministerial rank.
Attended the ceremony were official representatives in Tulkarem Governorate including Tulkarem Governor Issam Abu Baker, representatives from Tulkarem Municipality, civil, security, media institutions, legislative council members, Kadoorie Friends Society as well as the university academic and administrative staff and students.
Several honoring speeches were delivered appreciating Prof Awartani’s role leveraging the status of PTUK including but not limited to the new academic bachelor and master programs, launching the master plan of PTUK, the reunifications of PTUK’s lands, holding meaningful international conferences, obtaining scholarships and fellowships, exchanging students and academic staff programs as well as bridging the university with international renowned universities and scientific research centers and institutions.
Prof Awartani expressed his gratitude and affected emotions to the audience’s words and PTUK’s support pointing out that all the achievements and endeavors that PTUK has witnessed has been led by one vision: a state university for Palestine as the Palestinian people deserve a sovereign educational heritage.
He stressed the importance of having a university campus as per law to include a conducive educational environment for the students, which has been partially accomplished due to the PTUK’s reunification of lands.
The University President also touched upon the legislative reforms in the university, the accreditation of high study programs, the scientific research as well as the opening horizons towards the international educational system which will enhance PTUK in the international forums.