PTUK Celebrates Religious Ceremony of the Birth of Prophet Mohammed Occasion

The Holy Quran Forum organized a religious ceremony to celebrate the Occasion of the Birth of Prophet Mohammed in corporation with the Students’ Affairs and the Students’ Council at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie in presence of the Forum Director, Fadi Abu Diak and religious dignitaries. During the ceremony, the Mufti of Nablus District, Sheik Ahmad Shobash, the Director of the Islamic Waqf in Tulkarem, Khaldoun Abu Khalid, and the Member of the Students’ Council, Husni Alqasim opened the discussion shedding light on the virtues of the Prophet Mohammad and his physical characteristics and morals, reviewing part of his honorable journey, and delivering instructions to follow his teachings and to always remember his Sunna in our daily life. Additionally, special instructive and artistic performances were introduced by the Prophet Lovers Band.