Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie has organized the Sixth Palestinian Conference on Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics with a participation of renowned international mathematicians and physicians to raise the students’ interest in mathematics and physics and to create a space for sustainable interaction and exchange with fellow scholars in the Palestinian universities, the Palestinian expatriates and the international counterparts in the field of mathematical and physical sciences.
In this context, the President of Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie Prof. Marwan Awartani expressed his pleasure to host the conference which has a scientific landmark in Palestine, explaining that the conference was first initiated in 1993 by the Palestinian Society for Mathematical Sciences and hosted at Birzeit University. Subsequent conferences in the same field were also organized at An – Najah University, Palestine Polytechnic University, Al – Quds University and the Arab – American University in Jenin, he added.
Prof. Marwan praised the great efforts made by the scientific and organizing committees to secure the participation of a significant number of renowned mathematicians and physicians worldwide. He said “the participation of a good number of visiting scientists has provided our students invaluable opportunities for exposure and networking”, a significant contribution within the Palestinian academic ecosystem that suffers from an array of mobility restrictions, he explained.
The University President also extended his deep appreciation for the sister universities and for the Palestinian Society for Mathematical Sciences for conceiving and launching the visionary initiative of these scientific conferences.
He expressed his gratitude to the international advisory committee and to the international guest speakers who offered proactive support and solidarity to the conference organizers and the Palestinian community.
Prof. Awartani also thanked the conference organizing committee, chaired by Dr. Saed Mallak, and PTUK staff who have been working relentlessly for the success of the conference.
For his part, Prof. Saber Eideh from Trinity University affirmed on the importance of the conference which hosts elite specialists in the field of physics and mathematics worldwide to explore the recent research developments, adding that the conference constitutes a scientific hub to exchange expertise and knowledge in daily life aspects as well as bridge relationships with the participants giving rise to raising the interest of the Palestinian researchers and opening horizons for the graduate students to complete their studies in renowned universities abroad.
The Director of Tulkarem Directorate of Education, Ms. Salam Al – Taher delivered a speech representing the Minister of Education Dr. Sabri Sedam explaining the importance of the conference as it constitutes two main topics: mathematics and physics and allows the opportunity for networking and exchanging of expertise, which entirely gives rise to the development of the Palestinian higher education system and gets along with the ministry’sattempts to direct the students, schools and universities in this regard.
Ms. Al – Taher expressed the Minister’s greetings and wishes to the success of the conference hoping more of the same practical and applicable recommendations that improve the status of the Palestinian scientific community, commending thereby PTUK’s role in hosting such events and interactive seminars.
The conference addressed in the first day proposals and discussion papers as well as parallel sessions in the field of mathematics including:
Prof. Idris Titifrom Texas A&M University, USA discussed his paper on “Recent Advances of the 3D Euler Equations by Means of Examples,”
Prof. Mohammad Salehfrom Birzeit University – Ramallah - Palestine presented his research paper entitled “Some Open Problems on Weak – Injectivity and Weak – Projectivity,”
Prof. Basem Attilifrom the University of Al Sharjeh proposed his paper on “the Solutions of some singularly perturbed two point boundary value problems,”
Prof. Ayman Badawifrom the Arab – American University of Sharjeh, UAE addressed the title of his study paper on “Weakly mn-Closed Ideals and mn-Von Nuemann Regular Rings,” and another paper on “Recent Developments on n-absorbing Ideals of Communicative Rings,”
Prof. Mohammad Abu Hamedfrom the University of Haifa, Palestine proposed his paper on “Dynamics of Curved Fronts in Systems with Power – Law Memory,”
Dr. Abdulhakeem Eideh from Al – Quds University – Palestine discussed his paper on “Method of Moment Estimators of Finite Population Parameters under Complex Surveys,”
Dr. Mohammad Marabehfrom Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie – Palestine introduced his paper on“Convergence in Locally Solid Vector Lattices,”
Prof. Hadi Hamadfrom An – Najah National University, Palestine introduced a paper entitled “Unsupervised Diabetic Retinopathy Exudates Segmentation Using Fuzzy C-means FCM Clustering,
Research papers in the field of physics were also proposed and discussed including:
Ulrich Eckernfrom the University of Augsburg, Germany presented a paper on “Spin – Polarized Transmission Through Correlated Hetero Structures,”
Franz – Josef Ulm, MIT, USA introduced his paper entitled “Is Al – Quds a Crystal or a Liquid? Urban Physics for Resilience and Sustainability of Cities,”
Sami Aljaberfrom An – Najah National University discussed his paper on “the Dynamics of Transition of a Classical System to Equilibrium State,”
Zeid Qamhiyehfrom An – Najah University – Palestine proposed his paper “Hexavalent Ions Sorption on Bentonite Clay,”
Ferdinand Eversfrom the University of Regensburg, Germany introduced his paper on “Transport in Clean and Disordered Quantum Wires: KKZ Criticality and Creepy Flows,”
Hikmat Hilalfrom An – Najah University, Palestine presented his research paper on “Stable Nano – Film Electrodes with High Solar Energy Conversion by Charge Transfer Catalysis,”
Ataf Qasrawifrom the Arab – American University – Jenin, Palestine proposed his paper on “Transport Mechanisms in CdS/Sb2Te3 Tunneling Heterojunction Devices,”
Jihad Asadfrom Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie introduced a research paper under the title “Two – Point Resistance on the Infinite Square Network,”
Imad Barhumifrom UAEU, UAE discussed his paper on “Distributed Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Resource Allocation in Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks,”
Hanan Saadehfrom University of Jordan proposed a paper on “Towards Aerosol Analysis at the PIXE-RBS Beamline in the University of Jordan Van de Graaff Accelerator JUVAC,”
Mazen Alshaaerfrom the Prince Sattam Bin Abdul-Aziz University, KSA presented a paper on “Preparation and characterization of bone scaffold.”