PTUK Organizes Workshop on Agricultural Guidance

The Agricultural Gardening and Guidance Department at Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie organized, today, a special workshop under the title “Agricultural Guidance – Role, Mission and Challenges” with a participation of specialists to raise the students’ awareness of theory and practice in the field of agriculture. The workshop aimed at acquainting the students with the necessary knowledge of using the modern principles of agricultural guidance, integration basics between guidance and development as well as guidance and research. Several topics in connection between integration and effectiveness were discussed serving as a media and educational service that gives rise to fostering agricultural, human, rural and societal development. The lecturer, Fuad Khayyat, highlighted the need to provide the students with the necessary knowledge to be theoretically and practically qualified as agricultural advisors with emphasis on keeping pace with modern technology to give an evolving agricultural nature in Palestine. The Director of the Palestinian Agricultural Research and Development Center, Faris AL jabi discussed the importance of conducting research that solve the issues which the Palestinian farmers suffer from. The participants concluded their discussion by supporting the Palestinian farmers, the students and new graduates with the needed technical services so that they can ease the status of the Palestinian agriculture and to integrate into the labor market in an efficient way.