Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie participated in the "Hackathon " contest which was held in Abu Dhabi between the 15th the 17th of April 2016.
Nizar HAwwawerh from the Faculty of Engineering at PTUK was a member of the team "Sadiki" which consists of six programmers from: the U.S.A, Argentina , ,United Arab Emirates ,and Palestine .
"Hackathon " is an international competition in the field of computer programming and software technologies development .The competition usually lasts for several days and several teams from different countries compete under the supervision of specialists.
This year, New York University in Abu Dhabi hosted this contest which was attended by a large number of programmers from 36 nationalities who were divided into 13 teams.
In this context, HAwwawerh said that "Sadiki" team which ranked second in the competition, was under the supervision of both the American Mike Clark from Atlas company and the Canadian Lilia Korean from YouTube.
HAwwawerh 's idea was about the creation of a website that would facilitate the refugees affairs around the world and is designed to communicate with them and provide them with the necessary information about the area of asylum and help them settle in and integrate into the society. Microsoft Corporation and one of the refugee supporting institutions have adopted the ideas of the winning team.