On-line Virtual Work Platform by PSD Offers Opportunities for Students

PTUK President Prof. Nour Abu Rub has recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Executive Manager of Partners for Sustainable Development PSD, Jawad Abu Own to start implementing VIEW project to empower the Palestinian youth so that they could grab business opportunities online. Virtual Institute for Employment and Work (VIEW)project is designed to create and maintain an on-line virtual work portal that offers virtual work opportunities for Palestinian youth. The MOU includes the providence of training the University students and graduates on daily practices of virtual related work and technical skills, and it will also keep track on the project’s participants as long as they are technical employed and get better job opportunities. Prof. Abu Rub thanked PSD for the proposal of such projects and the entrepreneurial initiatives that enhance the students’ abilities and qualify them well to become future leaders who could drive the national economy to sustainable development. For his part, Abu Own commended the outstanding participation of PTUK students in previous entrepreneurial projects implemented by PSD, calling the students totake this chance and enroll in such training projects which will offer international networking and professional skills to compete well in the labor market.