With the Participation of 300 Students Kadoorie launches the Palestinian Mathematics Olympiad for 2016

In partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine technical University-Kadoorie launched the third Palestinian Mathematics Olympiad for 2016 which targeted 300 students from the eleventh grade scientific stream students. This Olympiad seeks to scout talented students and enhance students' interest in mathematics in particular and science in general. In this context, Dr.Saidam expressed his “pride and joy of the Olympiad which aims at devoting competition between students in mathematics” and he also expressed his appreciation for Kadoorie University which has incubated the event for the third consecutive year. Dr.Saidam also announced that following the qualitative results from the mathematics Olympiad, the Ministry of Education has decided to organize a summer camp for mathematics. For his part, Dr. Marwan Awartani explained that the Olympiad seeks to motivate students to opt for scientific university disciplines in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, medicine which are witnessing a constant reluctance in favor of humanitarian and educational disciplines. In conclusion, it could be said that this Olympiad is an implementation and an embodiment of the partnership between higher education and public education .