Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie won the first and only place in designing media campaigns competition at the level of Arab universities with a participation of 3170 media officers, journalists, media renowned figures, stars of the Arab world media working in famous local and international media organizations, foreign ambassadors, former and current ministers from 50 countries around the world.
The winning was announced by ARIJ Network for Investigative Journalism in its 15th forum during their celebration held in Jordan.
Kadoorie supervisor, Mohammad Omarya said that the university’s winning was the result of continuous work by the media team, Anhar Naser, Ghayda’ Shahrour, and Marwa Fayyad, studying media technology, who kept preparing special media campaign about the profession safety of journalists, submitting it to ARIJ Network under the title “Shield and Helmet” including 10 graphic-motion films as professional and innovative media productions.