Prof Awartani Has Been Appointed President of Palestine Academy for Science and Technology

His Excellency President of the State of Palestine Mr. Mahmoud Abbas has passed a presidential decree to appoint Prof. Marwan Awartani as the President of Palestine Academy for Science and Technology with ministerial rank. The Academy is a sovereign institution with the aim of enhancing capacities in the field of sciences and technology in the state of Palestine to leverage a modern economy based on knowledge and innovation. It also promotes scientific discovery and innovative technological advances, in addition to fostering the use of science and technology in various domains. Maintaining targeted ends, the Academy puts together scientific communities and national specialized research centers, coordinates scientific efforts to adopt meaningful strategies, policies and plans in cooperation with all related parties, develops cooperative, techno-scientific, dual programs with friendly countries, encourages active and sustainable engagement of the Palestinian scientists and experts in the diaspora to transfer and share knowledge. The Academy has obtained international recognition and enjoys a hierarchical rankas representative of the State of Palestine in the international and regional forums. The Academy has recently launched science bridging projects to support the cooperative research between the universities’ professors, higher graduate students, and the research Palestinian centers with their counterparts in Canada and Germany. Prof Awartani will start his new position in the beginning of next September after that he will have offered his honored duties as the President of Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie, which has been in progress since March, 2013.