In the presence of the Minister of Education and Higher Education- Dr. Saidam Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie Awards the winners in the 2015 Palestinian Mathematic Olympics

In partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie organized a ceremony to award the winners of the third and final mathematics Olympics for 2015, which was held at the beginning May in the university’s campus with the participation of 180 students from various Schools in Palestine under the supervision of the national Committee for the mathematics Olympics, which includes a selection of math teachers in Palestinian universities, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and Kadoorie university. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Education and Higher Education- Dr.Sabri Saydam and Tulkarme’s Governor- Issam Abu Bakr, head of the National Committee for the Mathematics Olympic, the president of Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie- Dr.Marwan Awartani, the director of the Arab Bank in Palestine- Jamal Hourani (who have sponsored the event) and a host of interested educators. In this context, Dr.Saidem congratulated the winners, inviting them to put more effort and attention to mathematics and to keep up with global knowledge ,stressing the readiness of the university to embrace and support all the initiatives that would increase creativity and excellence. For his part, Prof. Awartani emphasized that embracing this important national scientific event is another embodiment of the university’s vision as a lever for the development of knowledge, scientific and technical society and it emphasizes its role as a genuine partner in the national efforts to improve the quality of education in Palestine. Awartani also explained that the Olympics intend to raise students' interest in mathematics in particular and science in general and it also aims at motivating the students to joining scientific university disciplines pointing out to the decreasing numbers of students joining such disciplines in favor of humanitarian and educational disciplines. Prof. Awartani also said that the ultimate goal of the Olympics has been and still is to put Palestine on the map of the world’s Olympics by forming a national team to represent Palestine in a global scientific forum and to be another emblem of the sovereignty of Palestine and its international active presence. At the end of the ceremony, the winners were rewarded by merit certificates and laptops.